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OREA 2025 Goals

Trail System Goals, Tasks, & Steps

OREA 2025 Goal - Add Existing Trails to Official Trail System
Goal: Add existing trails to the official trails system and provide appropriate signage so that there are more known trail riding opportunities is the Ortonville Recreation Area equestrian trail system and Ortonville is a more attractive equestrian camping destination.

  1. Add existing trails to Official trails: (Reference 2006 map mark-up)

    1. Create Pine Tree Loop (Trail marked)

    2. Trails south side of Fox Lake Road

    3. Pinnacle point

    4. West side of Tody Road

    5. Firebreak Trail (and Blue & Green trails)


OREA 2025 Goal - Add Road Access Trails to Official Trails
Goal: Add existing access trails to the official trails system and provide appropriate signage so that local equestrians, hikers, hunters, and emergency personnel can more easily and confidently access the trail system with a presentation to the DNR and completion including map updates and signage.

  1. Add trails to roads & parking areas to official trails:

    1. Reopen existing trails to all roads and mark for road access.

OREA 2025 Goal - Investigate New Trail Candidates
Goal: Identify potential trails to add to the official trails system so that OREA can propose more trail
riding opportunities in the Ortonville Recreation Area equestrian trail system and Ortonville is a more
attractive equestrian camping destination with a presentation to the DNR.

  1. Identify potential new trail opportunities within the Ortonville Recreation Area:

    1. Add old trails back to the official system

    2. South side of Fox Lake Road

    3. West side of Tody Road

    4. Create Pine Tree loop (completed)

    5. Old Road cut

    6. Algoe Lake Trail

    7. Big Fish Lake, Davison Lake, Round Lake, Mud Lake

    8. Hegel Road and Washburn Road perimeter


OREA 2025 Goal - Stabilize Bridge
Goal: Stabilize the area under the bridge between Trail Markers 1 & 2 by so that it is safe for use with horses.

  1. Bridge repair:

    1. Repair bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2.

      1. Scott working on drawing and repair design.


OREA 2025 Goal - Confidence Course
Goal: Develop a Confidence Course in the area between the campground and day use area for the enjoyment of those using the Ortonville Recreation Area equine facilities.

  1. Confidence Course & Kids Loop:

    1. DNR approval (completed)

    2. Donna Maria to create a list of possible obstacles. (Completed)

    3. Course and Kids loop layout (proposed location marked)

    4. Clear Kids Loop and confidence course area.

    5. Get OREA Board approval of confidence course obstacles.

    6. Create and install approved obstacles.

    7. Get OREA Board approval for round pen area on Kids Loop.

    8. Install round pen.


OREA 2025 Goal – Rest Area
Goal: Implement a rest area including a picnic table, hitching post, and mounting block in a scenic area of the trail in the proximity of Jasmond Rd along Trail 3A or the New Trail by the time the New Trail is officially opened so that there is a place for trail users to take a pleasant break when using the trails.

  1. Trail Rest Areas:

    1. Build mounting block and hitching posts and install picnic table at locations approved by the OREA board

      1. By lake on Trial 3A


OREA 2025 Goal – Maintain Trails
Goal: Work with the DNR Team to maintain and enhance the existing trails so they are cleared of downed trees and encroaching brush and the trail surface is safe for equestrian travel.​​

  1. Creek Crossing:

    1. Install additional limestone on mats​

  2. Add posts with arrows at each location where there is a trail not on the mapped trail system to help riders stay on marked trails.
  3. Rate difficulty and length of each trail. Post on trial. Create guide & post in Kiosk

Campground Goals, Tasks, & Steps

OREA 2025 Goal(s) - Reconfigure Campground

Goal: Construct parking pads to define where the horse trailer should be positioned on the campsite so that campsites are clearly delineated, level, and solid.

  1. Redesign Campground:

    1. Mark out and install screened asphalt millings to provide level parking area for camping trailers at each campsite. Start with sites where corrals are installed.


Goal: Redesign the campground drive west of its current orientation so that larger rigs can be accommodated on the sites east of the campground drive.

  1. Move the campground drive over 10 to 20 feet to the west to create larger more usable camp sites for sites 2, 3, and 4. This can be done without changing the approach at Fox Lake Rd.

Goal: Remove stumps and roots throughout the campground area so that the ground is more level in the campground.

  1. DNR to remove stumps in entire campground area. (Partially completed)

Goal: Grade camping area by pavilion and any other poorly drained areas so that drainage is improved.

  1. Redesign Campground: 

    1. Grade camping area by pavilion for proper drainage.


Goal: Redesign the Campground Entrance so the campground is more secure and the entrance area is aesthetically pleasing.

  1. DNR to install gates and new fencing at the Campground entrance.


Goal: Create and post appropriate signage to improve the user experience at Ortonville Recreation Area.

  1. Signage:

    1. DNR Leash law signs in campground, day use area, and trail entrances.

    2. Signs on trial system indicated the direction back to camp.

    3. Registered campers only sign at entrance to campground.

    4. Yield to Horses (installed on kiosks, various locations in the campground and day use area and on the trail system.) (completed)


OREA 2025 Goal - Solar Water Pump
Goal: Have the DNR install solar electric capability near the pavilion to provide electricity within the
pavilion and operate a solar pump to provide water through a Green Initiative Grant for 2025. If the DNR Green Initiative Grant is not approved by April 2025, pursue a fundraiser to provide funding for the solar pump.

  1. Solar Water Pump:

    1. DNR to put the solar water pump in for DNR project approval for 2025 (completed)

    2. Possible fund raiser


OREA 2025 Goal - Corrals
Goal: Construct additional sets of corrals on the remaining sites and upgrade the base on the 4 existing corrals as money and resources are available so that all 21 campsites at the Ortonville Recreation Area Equestrian Campground have corrals available in addition to picket posts.

  1. Build Corrals:

    1. Build corrals at locations approved by OREA Board

    2. New corrals for sites 11 & 12 (approved and cleared)


OREA 2025 Goal – Manure Bunker
Goal: Assist the DNR in the implementation of a manure bunker (aka manure collection area) in the equestrian campground in 2025 so that DNR manure management policies are satisfied.

  1. Manure Bunker:

    1. Install manure bunker in campground. (concrete in place) (partially completed)


OREA 2025 Goal – Campground Kiosk
Goal: Design and Implement kiosks in the equestrian campground in proximity of the trailhead so that information can be effectively communicated to campground, day use, and trail users in a place that is convenient.

  1. Kiosks:

    1. Build Kiosk west of trail entrance.

    2. Install DNR Leash law signs in new kiosk.

    3. Install information about BOG areas in new kiosk.


OREA 2025 Goal – Support DNR Reservation System

Goal: Provide and validate information about Ortonville Recreation Area Equestrian Campground so that those utilizing the campground have a positive reservation experience.

  1. Put all campsites on DNR campsite reservation system. (completed)

    1. Get pictures of each campsite.

    2. Verify information and notes on reservation site are accurate.


Day Use Area Goals, Tasks, & Steps

OREA 2025 Goal - Day Use Area Redesign
Goal: Redesign the Day Use Area so it is larger and more open to accommodate more and larger rigs with 25 specified non-trailer parking near the trailhead to accommodate vehicles for hikers and hunters with a surface that is equestrian-friendly yet can be plowed in winter.

  1. Day Use Area Redesign:

    1. Create design and submit to DNR (completed)

    2. DNR to submit WIP for project (completed)

    3. DNR approval of project (completed)

    4. Waiting for DNR funding

    5. DNR/OREA install vault toilet in Day Use area (scheduled for spring 2025)

    6. Manure bunker

  2. Remove Stumps​


OREA 2025 Goal – Vault Toilet in Day Use Area
Goal: Install a vault toilet in the Day Use Area so that day use riders have availability of toilet facilities near where they are parked and are not as tempted to break the rules and park in the campground. If the vault toilet cannot be installed by April 1, a porta-potty should be provided.

  1. Vault Toilet in Day Use Area:

    1. DNR matching grant for $2,000 (approved)?

    2. Temporary port-a-potty (completed for 2024)


OREA 2025 Goal – Day Use Area Kiosk

Goal: Design and Implement kiosk in the day use area in proximity of the trailhead so that information can be effectively communicated to campground, day use, and trail users in a place that is convenient.


  1. ​Kiosks:

    1. DNR to install temporary kiosk at the Day Use entrance near Fox Lake Rd. (completed)

    2. Install near trail entrance.

    3. Install DNR Leash law signs in new kiosk.

    4. Install information about BOG areas in new kiosk.


Planned Activities, Tasks, & Steps

OREA 2025 Goal(s) - Assess and Prioritize 2025 & 2026 Activity Opportunities
Goal: Have the Fundraiser and Activities Committee assess potential fundraisers and activities for 2025 & 2026 including
but not limited to those already suggested and bring a basic plan back to the Board for Approval and Funding as a standing Agenda Item throughout the 2025 camping season so that equestrian campers and trail riders have opportunities to have fun on the trails.

  1. Assess and Prioritize 2025 Activity Opportunities:

    1. OREA Activities:

      1. Activities committee will evaluate and coordinate OREA activities (on going)

      2. See “Assess and Prioritize 2024 Activity Opportunities” goal in google drive for more information.

Goal: For each Activity the Fund Raiser and Activities Committee opts to pursue put together a plan of what will be necessary to make the Activity successful, define resources and funding requirements and determine any income that may be generated from the Activity.


​OREA 2025 Goal - MHC Horse Expo - Completed
Goal: Participate in the Trails Area of the MHC Horse Expo from March 7-9 so that we can communicate what is going on at Ortonville Recreation Area in 2025.

  1. MHC Horse Expo:

    1. Have table at 2025 Expo


OREA 2025 Goal – Poker Ride
Goal: Hold a Poker Ride and Campout activity on Memorial Day weekend (May 24-26) with the ride occurring on May 24 so that we can raise funds for OREA projects, raise interest in the Ortonville Recreation Area Equestrian Campground and provide fun activities for our campers and participants.

  1. Activity Memorial Day Poker Ride with Camp over

    1. Host May 24th – May 26th, 2025, Poker Ride

    2. Create flyer


OREA 2025 Goal – Work Bees
Goal: Hold Work Bees as needed and within defined parameters as needed throughout the year targeting to have at least 2 weeks notice so that we can improve the campground, day use area, and trails as required.

  1. Work Bees:

    1. ​Plan Work Bees at least 2 months out.
    2. Need to be specific as to what is expected to be accomplished at a Work Bee and what skills are needed and a goal number of bodies

    3. Find out what equipment members have.

    4. Clear brush next to ponds to make more attractive

    5. Build mounting block and hitching posts and install picnic table by lake on Trial 3A

    6. Corrals for sites 11 & 12

    7. Adopt a trail for trail maintenance

    8. Equine Community Support: Work with other organizations including MHTA, ETS & MHC for ideas for getting more people at work bees

    9. See “Work Bee” goal on google drive for more details.

  2. Find out what type of heavy equipment members have and if they are willing to help with projects.​


Administrative Goals, Tasks, & Steps

OREA 2025 Goal - Engage Others
Goal: To leverage and build the enthusiasm of our members and the equestrian community so they feel engaged and have pride and personal ownership in the success of the Ortonville Recreation Area.

  1. Engage Others:

    1. Leverage and build the enthusiasm of our members and potential members so that they feel engaged and have pride and personal ownership in the success of the Ortonville Recreation Area.

  2. OREA President to solicit input from OREA members on 2025 Goals.


OREA 2025 Goal – Document OREA Procedures
Goal: Identify and document the Processes and Procedures needed to successfully manage OREA and
develop a Succession Plan as they are identified so that roles can be easily transitioned to new people in
a position.

  1. Document OREA Procedures:

    1. Complete master list for all events. (in process)

    2. Create master electronic folder of all OREA forms and procedures. (in process/ongoing)

    3. Treasurer

    4. Membership

    5. Sponsor/donor.

    6. Events

    7. Merchandise


OREA 2025 Goal - Establish Committees
Goal: Establish and populate the committees outlined in the OREA Bylaws as needed in 2025 so that OREA can achieve more by leveraging the skills of our audience.

  1. Committees:

    1. Establish and populate the committees outlined in the OREA bylaws.

      1. Membership

      2. Communications


OREA 2025 Goal - Communications Plan
Goal: Document and execute the elements of an OREA Communications Plan so that OREA’s communications are defined by Who, What, When, Where, and How.

  1. Document Communications Plan:

    1. Define who, what, where, and how

    2. Present plan to OREA Board

    3. OREA President to create two newsletters in spring and fall.

    4. Create OREA Membership Welcome Packet

    5. Create monthly articles for Saddle Up magazine.

    6. Create flyer for Poker Ride

    7. Create flyers for events.

    8. Complete OREA 2024 Annual Report

    9. Create 5-Year Strategic Plan. (Draft completed)

      1. Get OREA Board approval


OREA 2025 Goal - Update Websites & Facebook Sites Referencing Ortonville
Goal: Communicate information about the Ortonville Recreation Area equestrian campground, trails, and day use area including Reviews with references to for campground information, the OREA Facebook site for pictures, along with the DNR Reservation System to identified equestrian camping and trail-focused websites and Facebook groups which provide information about Michigan equestrian trails and/or campgrounds so that enticing, consistent, and correct information is available about the Ortonville Recreation Area for potential equestrian campers and trail riders to choose ORA as their destination.​

  1. Website & Facebook Information:

    1. Communicate accurate information about the Ortonville Recreation Area equestrian campground, trails, and day use area to websites and Facebook groups providing information about Michigan equestrian trails and or campgrounds.

    2. See “Website & Facebook Information” goal on google drive for more detailed information.


OREA 2025 Goal - Package ORA Camping with Other Parks
Goal: Promote Camping at Ortonville as Part of a Trip Camping at Multiple Michigan Equestrian Parks so that more people choose the Ortonville Recreation Area equestrian campground as their horse camping destination of choice.

  1. Multi-Park Trip Promotion:

    1. Promote Ortonville as Part of a Trip Camping at Multiple Michigan Equestrian Parks(completed)

    2. 1,2,3 Go Ride Michigan


OREA 2025 Goal – Fundraising
Goal: The Fund Raiser and Activities Committee is to define and execute fundraising initiatives to be approved by the Board on a continual basis so that OREA’s Goals can be achieved.

  1. Fundraising:

    1. Fundraisers for specific goals

      1. Corrals (ongoing)

      2. Others?

    2. Develop a plan to increase sponsorships and donations.

  2. Update 2024 sponsorship/donation/volunteer opportunity guide.​


OREA 2025 Goal – Equine Community Support
Goal: Work with other trail organizations (not limited to equestrian) as opportunities arise so that we can learn what they do and how they do it in support of their user community while helping them achieve their goals and coordinate where it is of mutual advantage.

  1. Equine Community Support:

    1. ​Work with MHTA, MHC Trails committee, and DNR ETS to support the Equestrian activities throughout the state of Michigan and promote our campground. (ongoing)
    2. Attend work bees to see what is going on with other trail groups. (ongoing)

    3. Support other Equestrian Association events.

    4. Coordinate and set dates for events with Equestrian Association leadership.

      1. Being accomplished through the MHTA Calander. (ongoing)

  2. ETS Sustainable Trail Team:

    1. Work with the DNR Equine Trails Subcommittee to develop a multidiscipline team to build and re-engineer trails using sustainable techniques:


OREA 2025 Goal – Membership
Goal: Implement the Membership Committee as soon as practical and have them define and execute membership initiatives approved by the Board so that OREA’s membership is increased by at least 25% over December 2024 membership numbers.

  1. Membership:

    1. Develop a plan to increase the number of members and volunteers.


OREA 2025 Goal – Feature DNR
Goal: Feature members of the DNR team in our communications throughout the year so that our audience can understand and appreciate how great this team really is!

  1. Feature DNR:

    1. Showcase our DNR partners. (completed website/Facebook/saddle up) (ongoing)


OREA 2025 Goal – Stop Sign
Goal: Pursue the request to the Lapeer County Road Commission install a STOP sign on Southbound Hadley Road at the intersection with Fox Lake Road so that leaving the campground road to go home is safer.

  1. Stop Sign:

    1. Stop Sign on East Bound Hadley Rd.:

      1. Presentation to LCRC (completed)

      2. Follow up with LCRC

      3. Like the one on Herd Road near DNR headquarters.

      4. Put alternate route on OREA website. (completed)


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