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Ortonville Recreation Area Equestrian Trails

Ortonville Official Trail System 2025-02-13.jpg

Approximate Trail Mileage
Day Use to 1 - 0.11 miles
1 to 2 - 0.9 miles
2 to 3 - 0.5 miles
3 to 4 - 0.3 miles
4 to 5 North - 0.78 miles
4 to 5 South - 0.63 miles
5 to 6 - 0.12 miles
6 to 7 - 0.12 miles
6 to 11 - 0.07 miles
7 to 8 - 0.6 miles
7 to 10 - 0.35 mile
8 to 9 - 0.7 miles
9 to 10 - 0.1 miles
9 to 13 - 0.75 miles
10 to 11 - 0.12 miles
11 to 12 - 0.03 miles - Not Much!
12 to 15 - 0.2 miles
12 to 13 - 0.38 miles
13 to 14 - 0.55 miles
14 to 15 - 0.34 miles
15 to 2 - 0.48 miles
14 to 2 - 0.38 miles
3 to 3A - 0.2 miles
3A - 1.6 miles
High Vista Trail - 1.3 miles
Pinnacle Point Trails - 0.4 miles

Total - 12 miles

Camp Trail

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Day Use to TM 2.png

Trail Distance from Day Use Area Trailhead to Trail Marker 2: 1 mile

Trail Distance from Campground Trailhead to Trail Marker 2: 9/10 of a mile

The Camp Trail provides access from the Day Use Trailhead and Campground Trailhead to the rest of the Ortonville Hadley Hills Equestrian Trail System. It starts with a grassy level 1/10 mile connector through the trees from the Day Use Area to the Campground Trailhead.

Heading north from the Campground, the hills begin! Out of camp is a downhill slope with a small uphill interruption then back down to a cute pond on the right with a culvert running under the trail to a small stream to the left. As with many of the ponds in the trail system, turtles abound! While the trail is relatively wide, it cuts through forested land - which is fairly constant throughout the trail system. Boot-sucking mud is also a common feature in various sections of trail from the campground to the slope just past the bridge - depending on the season.

Up and over takes you to another pond to the right just before a trail to nowhere (actually to some neighbors) heading off to the right. Another good place for turtle watching. As the trail turns to the west, you understand that the trail really wasn't that muddy before as you traverse an area with scrub and brambles to the right overlooking the downward slope of the hill you are crested on off to the left. (We have a project under bid to demudify this trail section, but for now it is what it is!) The trail is fairly level through this section.


As you gain some elevation and come to a section of pines, the trail dries out a bit and you soon come to the trailhead for the New Trail to the right. 

High Vista Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Spring Bank Trail Loop.png

High Vista Loop Trail Distance: 2.4 miles

The High Vista Loop starts before the bridge going counterclockwise along Spring Bank Creek and the marshy area. It starts with the southern point of the High Vista Trail and follows along to Jasmond Road. It then follows Old Jasmond Road past Trail Markers 3A and 3 then down to Trail Marker 2. There you would turn east to complete the loop.

Under development

Trail 3A Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Trail 3A Loop.png

Trail 3A Loop Trail Distance: 1.7 miles

The 3A loop is the northernmost loop on the trail system. It is basically across Jasmond Road from the northern entrance to the New Trail.

Under development

Pinnacle Point Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Northeast Loop.png

Pinnacle Point Loop Trail Distance: 1.9 miles

The Pinnacle Point Loop (going counterclockwise starts at Trail Marker 2 to 3 to 4 through Pinnacle Point down to Trail Marker 15, then back to Trail Marker 2.

Under development

45 Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Trail 4-5 Loop.png

45 Loop Trail Distance: 1.4 miles

The 45 Loop trail runs between Trail Markers 4 and 5 and traverses both a north (outside) and south (inside) option.

Under development

Northwest Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Northwest Loop.png

Northwest Loop Trail Distance: 1.7 miles

The northwest loop starts from 6 (going counterclockwise) through 7 to 8 (at the northwest corner of the trail system) to 9 to 10 to 11 and back to 6.

Under development

Center Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Center Loop.png

Center Loop Trail Distance: .6 miles

The Center Loop goes from 15 to Pinnacle Point to 5 to 6 to 11 to 12 back to 15.

Under development

7-10 Split Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight 7-10 Split Loop.png

7-10 Split Loop Trail Distance: .6 miles

The 7-10 Split Loop goes from 6 to 7 to 10 to 11 back to 6.

Under development

Southwest Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Southwest Loop.png

Southwest Loop Trail Distance: 1.4 miles

The southwest loop starts from 12 (going counterclockwise) to 11 to 10 to 9 to 13 then back to 12.

Under development

South Central Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight South Central Loop.png

South Central Loop Trail Distance: 1.4 miles

The South Central Loop starts from 15 (going counterclockwise) to 12 to 13 to 14 then back to 15. The trail from 14 to 15 has an east and west option around an old foundation with the west option being higher ground.

Under development

Southeast Loop

Ortonville Recreation Area Trails Map highlight Southeast Loop.png

Southeast Loop Trail Distance: 1.3 miles

The Southeast Loop starts from 2 (going counterclockwise) to 15 to 14 then back to 2.

Under development

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