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OREA  March 18th, 2025 Board Meeting Agenda

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Robin Bobek

Secretary: Scott Cope

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Angela Sherman

Jodi Myers

OREA Board Meeting

March 18th, 2025, at 6:00 pm

Metamora-Hadley DNR Office

3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455

  • Call the meeting to order.

  • Review and approval of the February 11th, 2025, meeting minutes.

  • Review and approval of Treasurer’s Report.

    • We currently have 87 memberships

  • We have a current balance of $12,742.52

  • $6,783 is already allocated

  • Leaving a free cash balance of $5,959

DNR Projects

  1. Repair of bridge at creek crossing between marker #1 and #2 (Scott working on repair drawing)

    1. Creek crossing needs limestone on both side of bridge and at east side of creek.

  2. Grind stumps: by picket post campsite 11, roots campsite 10, by porta potty in day use area.

  3. Finish installation of manure bunker.

  4. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project:

    1. WIP approved for $40,000 - $45,000 based on old project submittal.

    2. Sage DNR SE Michigan Trails Rep, looking for $100,000+ project for DNR RTP funding for equestrians. Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf sent Sage OREA’s Day Use project plan. RTP is a 3-year process.

    3. New sign for Day Use Area

    4. Day Use Area Vault toilet:

      1. Stephanie indicated a crew will be installing the underground vault this week.

      2. Location will be in the somewhat level area east of the trail entrance.

      3. DNR will build the toilet building on top ASAP.

      4. Concrete walk will be installed to provide an accessibility to toilet.

    5. New fence and gate installation at the campground entrance.

    6. Solar well installation to start on Friday March 21st

  5. Dawn to meet with Stephanie (field trip), re: adding existing trails, trails to roads and parking areas to official trail map.

  6. DNR/OREA Spring project list to be completed by WHAM Judged Trail Ride on April 26th, 2025.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.​

  • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Dawn, Scott, and Robin Bobek will go to the LCRC Office and talk to the highway engineer

  2. Work Bees:

    1. 4/19/24 before WHAM Judge Trail Ride event

    2. Before Poker Ride/Spring Event

    3. Install Corrals at sites 11 & 12 before 4/25/25 WHAM event

    4. Move rocksJ

  3. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails (See DNR projects)

  4. Build Corrals: New corrals at sites 11 and 12. Complete by April 25th, 2025, WHAM JTR

    1. DNR removed stumps on 3/15/25

    2. Need to relocate picket posts

    3. Work to start ASAP

  5. Identify Trail Maintenance needs:

    1. A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.

    2. A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.

    3. This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.

  6. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  7. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  8. Committees: Strategy/Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Strategy: Co-chairs: Steve, Scott, Dawn, Robin

    2. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    3. Communications

    4. Membership: Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

  9. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Approved by OREA board on 2/11/25

    2. Installation planned for late April early May

  10. Confidence Course and Kids Loop

    1. Dawn & Scott marked the Kids Loop on 3/14/25.

    2. Board members to walk loop.

    3. Schedule a meeting with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.

    4. Potential obstacles will them be presented to the OREA Board of Directors for approval.

    5. Have Work Bee to clear Kids Loop and obstacle areas. 

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

  • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine – Thank you Steve for the great Article for March issue.

  • Dawn and Lise checking on cost of asphalt milling for campsite parking pads.

  • MHC Expo recap

  • MHC/OREA Trail Challenge update d) Jump Into Summer Campout/Poker Ride update

    • Flyer completed

  • DNR/OREA “RIDE Into Camping” weekend update

    • Flyer completed

    • Application forms completed

      • 7 new camper applications received.

      • Deadline April 4th 

      • Activities committee to review the proposed list of activities.

        • Review documents provided.

        • These are drafts that need to be discussed and finalized.

        • Meeting DNR/OREA to meet with veteran campers and activity leads

  • Discuss OREA business memberships

New Business

  • Tracy Evans presentation on OREA online merchandise

  • Any other new business?

  • Next regular meeting: April 25th, 2025, meet at the DNR office on Herd Road.

  • Meeting adjourned.

OREA  February 11th, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Robin Bobek

Secretary: Scott Cope

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Angela Sherman

Jodi Myers

OREA Board Meeting

February 11th, 2025, at 6:00 pm

Metamora-Hadley DNR Office

3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455

In Person Attendees: Dawn Cope, Robin Bobek, Steve Keim, Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan, Jodi Myers and Ryan Kotula (DNR)


Virtual Attendees: Angella Sherman, Karen Greenbay, and Melissa DeWitt

  • Meeting called to order at 6:01 pm

  • Review of meeting minutes from January 17th, 2025 OREA board meeting.

    • Motion by Lise Mouthaan to approve the minutes, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor, motion approved.

  • Steve Keim provided the treasurer’s report

    • A check for $2,000 was provided to the DNR as part of the DNR match grant for the day use vault toilet.

    • We currently have 76 memberships

    • We have a current balance of $12,612.39

    • $3,800 is already allocated

    • Leaving a free cash balance of $8,800

    • Motion by Steve Keim to close the 2023 DNR match grant for the day use vault toilet, 2nd by Dawn Cope, all in favor, motion approved.

    • Motion by Scott Cope to approve the treasurer’s report by, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor, motion approved.

DNR Projects

  1. ​Day Use Vault Toilet:

    1. Dawn Cope shared that Stephanie Miller has put in a request for the installation of the vault toilet in the day use area for this spring. Stephanie will keep Dawn updated on any progress.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.​

  • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Kiosk update and Board actions in Old Business.

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

  • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

  • Angella Sherman, Fund Raiser/Activities Committee chairperson indicated there was no report from the committee at this time. A committee meeting will be scheduled in the next week to discuss the Ride Into Camping event.

Old Business

  • Kiosk:

    • Scott Cope discussed the proposed campground kiosk drawing and estimate.

      • The drawing and estimate are based on a slightly different size than what is shown in the Yankee Springs pictures.

      • Scott recommended we expand the drawing and estimate to match the Yankee Spring drawings. The cost for this change would increase the estimate to $3,000.

    • Lise Mouthaan and Jodi Myers discussed possible design changes and cost reductions.

    • Motion by Steve Keim to approve construction of the kiosk design matching the Yankee Springs kiosk with modifications as needed at a maximum cost of $3,000, 2nd by Angella Sherman, all in favor, motion approved.

  • Dawn Cope and the board expressed their appreciation to Steve Keim for the February article in the Saddle Up magazine. Steve is working on the March article. •

  • Lise Mouthaan shared her finds related to her research into estimates for limestone and asphalt millings for the campsite parking pads.

    • Material will be needed sometime in June if approved by the OREA Board.

    • Lise will talk with the hauler again to get a final estimate.

New Business

  • MHC Expo discussion:

    • Scott Cope review the current volunteers who have signed up to cover the table at the expo.

    • Dawn Cope shared samples of the bling purchased to hand out at the expo. 100 orange pens with “OREA” printed on them will also be available.

    • OREA has been asked to attend the camping training seminar at the expo to hand out flyers

  • DNR’s “Ride Into Camping” event discussion

    • Dawn Cope gave an overview of the proposed event.

      • DNR will allow free camping for Friday and Saturday.

      • Dawn reviewed the event package Kenny Whittaker developed.

      • The thought is that OREA would organize and provide food for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch with a potluck dinner, Sunday breakfast of bagels and donuts provided by the DNR.

      • Suggested dates for event May 30th – June 1st, 2025

      • Does OREA want to support the DNR in this event?

    • Jodi Myers shared her idea of having a camping preparation class on a Saturday before the event.

    • Mel DeWitt suggested that we get the flyer for the event to MHC secretary Sasha to put on the calendar.

  • Mel DeWitt talked about the proposed MHC OREA Ride Challenge

    • MHC will handle all applications and entry fees

      • Maximum of 50 entrants

      • Proposed entry fee $40 or $50

    • Set milage at 50 or 100 miles ridden at Ortonville

    • MHC will cover the cost of 50 OREA stickers and medals.

    • MHC will cover the cost of 50 bandannas with OREA trail map (minimum order size is 100)

      • OREA would have to cover the cost of the other 50. § 50 x $4.25 = $212.50

    • Scott Cope to send current OREA trail map to all board members

    • MHC will give OREA ½ the profit from the event approximately $900

      • The cost for the bandannas could be subtracted from the OREA profits.

    • We need to determine how entrants will track their millage

    • Should we offer prizes?

    • How will we get stickers, medals, bandannas, and prizes to entrants?

    • Mel DeWitt needs to know if OREA is interested in supporting this challenge ASAP.

      • Does OREA want to support the event?

      • Dawn Cope to notify Mel DeWitt of the OREA Boards decision

      • Motion by Steve Keim that OREA support the MHC Challenge event, 2nd by Scott Cope, all in favor, motion approved.

  • DNR’s “Ride Into Camping” event discussion continued:

    • Dawn Cope talked about the possibility of purchasing items for a raffle.

      • High Line kit

      • Horse hoody

    • Jodi Myers talked about boxes of items for a raffle.

    • Motion by Robin Bobek that OREA support the DNR’s Ride Into Camping event with a budget of $400 maximum for the cost of food and other items needed for the event, 2nd by Dawn Cope, all in favor, motion approved.

    • Scott Cope suggested that the Activities Committee review and finalize the details of the event packet and applications.

    • Angella Sherman said she would set up a Fund Raising/Activities committee meeting within a week to review the draft event packet and develop a flyer.

      • The committee will focus on competing the event flyer and both applications by March 7th, 2025, so they can be handed out at the MHC Expo.

  • Steve Keim was asked by the MICMO to have a CMO at Ortonville again.

    • Steve will attend the Activities committee meeting to find a possible date for the CMO.

    • Steve will discuss dates with MICMO and see if any dates work.

    • OREA Board members will discuss the CMO further once a potential date is determined.

  • Any other business:

    • Ryan Kotula said Kenny Whittaker (DNR) indicated he had a conversation with a person at the academy that might be able to help get approval for the solar well at the campground.

    • Scott Cope shared information from the ELBA meeting Mel Dewitt from MHC organized with Anthony Walter, Genesee County Park supervisor.

      • Anthony to see if he can get approval to have an official ELBA Facebook page that the Parks could use to keep everyone updated on ELBA events and activities.

      • He is also working on developing an Adopt a Park agreement for ELBA.

      • This would allow volunteers to help at spring and fall clean ups and offer input on future ELBA Park improvements.

  • Next regular meeting: March 18th, 2025, meet at the DNR office on Herd Road.

  • Motion to close the meeting by Scott Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor, motion approved at 7:40 pm

OREA  January 17th, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting and Annual Membership meeting

January 17th, 2025, at 6:00 pm

Hadley Community Church

3638 Hadley Road

Hadley, MI 48440

Present:  Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Steve Keim, Vera Kraft, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman, Kenny Whittaker (DNR representative)  other DNR staff:  Ryan, Evan, Matt, Jessica, 16 Orea members

  • Meeting called to order 6:03.

  • Reviewed and approved the December 17th, 2024 meeting minutes.

  • Steve presented Treasurer’s report  (you may view this in full on hadley hills .com). 

    • Balance:  $14095.81. 

    • Dawn Cope motioned to close approval for finished gate.  Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor. 

    • Approval of Treasurers report:  Lise motioned for approval, Robin 2nd, all in favor.

DNR Projects

Updates at this time:  

  1. DNR put up our new temporary gate, old gates stored. 

  2. (2025) DNR friends group match grant program:  improbable at this time. 

  3. We had a quote for solar well of $5733.  Put in for green initiative.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.​

  • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  • Nothing new at this time.​


  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

  • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

  • Activities set for year and posted to calendar.

Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine – Thank you Steve for the great Article for January issue. Hopefully Steve can produce another article for the February issue?

  • Dawn and Lise checking on cost of asphalt milling for campsite parking pads.

  • DNR Friends Group Match Grant Program.

    • Dawn was unable to complete the application due to no DNR WIP for the solar well.

New Business

  • Dawn, Scott, Kenny attended MHC meeting and did presentation.  (OREA received a $300.00 grant for vault toilet and day use area in 2024.)

  • Lise shared information about a first aid class for horses (virtually) on January 19th at 5:00.  Information will be shared to OREA. 

  • OREA Election update from Robin

    • 2025 Elections

      • The OREA secretary received one new nomination for the Board of Directors from the membership.

        • Jodi Myers was nominated for a position on the OREA Board of Directors.

      • Vera Kraft has chosen to step down from her position of Vice President.

      • Steve Keim motioned for Dawn Cope, Robin Bobek, Scott Cope, Steve Keim, Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman and Jodi Myers serve on the Board of directors for 2025, Lise Mouthaan 2nd, all in favor.

    • We will do the election of each of the Officers of the Association separately.

      • President:  Steve motioned for Dawn Cope to serve as President, Robin 2nd, all in favor.

      • Vice President:  Scott Cope motioned for Robin Bobek to serve as Vice President, Dawn Cope 2nd, all in favor.

      • Treasurer:  Ang motioned for Steve Keim to serve as Treasurer, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor. 

      • Secretary:  Robin Bobek motioned for Scott Cope to serve as secretary, Steve Keim seconded, all in favor.

    • 2024 OREA Annual Report presentation during dinner.

  • Next regular meeting: February 18th, 2025, meet at the DNR office on Hurd Road.

    • (ed. note - rescheduled to February 11)

  • Motion to close meeting by Steve Keim, Dawn Cope seconded, all in favor.

  • Meeting adjourned at 6:25.

OREA  December 17th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

December 17th, 2024, at 6:00 pm

 DNR Ortonville Head Quarters

5779 Hadley Road

Ortonville, MI

Present:  Kenny Whittaker (DNR Representative), Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek 


Virtual:  Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman, Nancy Green-Duffy

  • Meeting called to order 6:11 p.m.

  • November minutes approved.  Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.

  • Steve Keim presented the Treasurer’s report.  This report is on the website for review.

    • Current balance $14114.97

    • 79 Memberships

    • Motion to accept report by Lise Mouthaan, 2nd by Vera Kraft, all in favor.

DNR Projects

Kenny reviewed these agenda  items with us: 

  1. Pit toilet:  still on for matching grant.

  2. We are on list for monies for day use area.

  3. Solar well:

    1. Green initiative approval won't be until later in 2025

    2. Matching grant, our amount is paid at project time (contact Matt Lincoln).

    3. Fund raiser?

  4. Manure bunker – beginning in spring.  Goal for this and gate, corral:  4/27/25.

  5. Temporary gate for campground:  put chain with PVC over it.  25 feet?  To measure. 

    1. Motion made to approve $400.00 for PVC, chain, reflective tape.  Dawn Cope motioned to accept, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor.

  6. Discussion on Harvest fest:  Weekend of October 24-26th tentatively (last weekend of month).  This will be a joint effort between DNR and Orea.

    1. Purchase lanterns? ($10.00 each).  We borrowed from 7 lakes DNR this past year, possibly borrow again?

    2. Dawn to talk to Stephanie re:  Harvest fest

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.​

  • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Dawn, Scott, and Robin will go to the LCRC Office and talk to the highway engineer after the new year

    2. Work Bees:

      1. 2/3/24 and/or 2/15/24 Clear Autumn Olive from trails.

      2. 4/19/24 before WHAM Judge Trail Ride event

      3. Before Poker Ride/Spring Event

      4. Install Corrals at sites 11 & 12 before 4/25/25/ WHAM event

      5. Move rocksJ

    3. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails (See DNR projects)

      1. Discussion re adding existing trails, trails to roads, to official trails (see agenda under DNR projects).  Make trails accessible for emergencies.

    4. Build Corrals: New corrals at sites 11 and 12. Complete by April 25th, 2025 WHAM JTR

    5. Identify Trail Maintenance needs:

      1. A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.

      2. A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.

      3. This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.

    6. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

    7. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

    8. Committees: Strategy/Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

      1. Strategy: Co-chairs: Steve, Scott, Dawn, Robin

      2. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

      3. Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???

      4. Membership: (On hold) Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

    9. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

      1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it. Partially completed)

    10. Confidence Course and Kids Loop

      1. Board members to walk loop. Dawn to schedule - tentatively for sometime in January.

      2. Next step is to mark the Kids Loop and clear the trail.

      3. Part of the Kid’s Loops and Confidence Course has been marked out and cleared.

      4. Need to complete marking of Kids Loop and have work bee to clear.

      5. Once clearing is completed, a meeting will be scheduled with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.

      6. Discussion to include round pen.​

    11. OREA 2025 goals presented.  We will add to goals as we go forward.  Motion to accept Dawn Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

  • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

  • The Activities committee met on December 10​

  • January 17th Annual Meeting. 

    • Gift exchange $20.00.

    • Potluck:  bring dish to pass,

    • OREA to provide ham. 

  • To check on booth for MHC expo (Ang). 

    • We will need give away items.   

    • Expo dates March 7-9th.

Old Business

  • Dawn and Lise to schedule meeting with Tracy Evans in January 2025 to discuss OREA online merchandise.

  • Dawn to check on cost of Asphalt millings for campsite parking pads.  She is waiting for call back.  Lise has contact to acquire second quote.

  • Orea election update Jodi Myers nominated by Dawn Cope.  All current OREA board members nominated except Vera Kraft declined.

  • Volunteer hours for 2024: 3755 documented so far.  Hours for 2023: 2667.  Thank you everyone for your diligent reporting of hours.  If you haven’t turned in all hours for yourself, please turn in to Scott.

New Business

  • Orea invites:

    • MHC Annual Meeting January 14th.  OREA to give presentation.  Scott, Dawn, Kenny to attend.

    • MHTA Annual Meeting in February.  OREAto give presentation

    • To attend STRA meeting January 18th and give brief presentation.  Dawn to contact Kris Layman re:  donation. (Editor's note: Delegated to Vera)

  • Annual Membership meeting: January 17th, 2024.

  • Motion to adjourn meeting made by Scott, Dawn 2nd, all in favor.

  • Meeting adjourned 7:57.

OREA  November 19th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

November 19th, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Google Meet

Present (virtually via Google meet):  Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Steve Keim, Vera Keim, Robin  Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman, Melissa DeWitt, Julie DeWitt

  • Meeting called to order 6:02 by President Dawn Cope.

  • October minutes approved.  Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.

  • Steve Keim presented Treasurer’s report.  This report in its entirety is on the website for review.

    • Current balance $14235.95

    • Currently 79 memberships.

    • Dawn and Robin applied for credit card through Chase bank and these have been received.

    • Steve proposed membership in Michigan Horse Trails Association (mhta) $40.00. Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Dawn Cope, all in favor.

    • Steve proposed membership in Michigan Horse Council (mhc) $80.00 enhanced membership.  Motion to accept by Scott Cope, Dawn Cope 2nd, all in favor.

    • Steve introduced the idea of an OREA membership for hiker  (non-voting) $10.00 for discussion at a future meeting (January).

    • Steve introduced the idea of an OREA business membership (non-voting) $50.00.  Parameters for business membership to be discussed at future meeting (January). 

    • Motion to accept Treasurer's Report by Scott Cope, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor.

DNR Projects

  1. Dawn Cope sent a thank you letter and a final project report to the DNR on OCTOBER 29TH, 2024 related to the projects recently completed on trail 3A and the High Vista trail.

  2. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

  3. Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.

  4. Install manure bunker in the campground.

    1. Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased.

    2. Completion date?

  5. Day use project approved

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

    2. Vault toilet: Estimate?

      1. Vault is free!!

      2. Cost for toilet and installation $4000.00. 

      3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?

        1. DNR $2000.00 and OREA  $2000.00. ​

  6. New fence and gate installation at the campground entrance

  7. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

    1. Cost approximately $5000.00.​

  8. Complete west side creek crossing

    1. Creek crossing, mat put in place

      1. Mats and limestone have been installed. This repair will be monitored to see how it holds up and if it can be a completed fix for the west side creek crossing.

      2. Needs limestone in creek on side closest to camp

  9. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. All campsites are reservable for 2025 

    2. Campground usage numbers

      1. Camping numbers:  for 2023, 119 camping nights, $2380.00.  2024:  359 camping nights and $7160.00!

  10. New gate installation at the campground entrance

    1. DNR (Ryan) suggested fence instead of rocks bordering entrance to campground.

  11. Possible future sign:  Registered campers and guests only beyond this point.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Dawn & Scott Cope, Jannette Beaver, and Julie DeWitt attended the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th, 2024. OREA provided a presentation and handouts to the three commissioners and the county highway engineer. The engineer was asked by the commissioners to check the intersection and see what could be done. 

      1. Dawn, Scott, Robin to go to the Lapeer County Road Commission and talk to the engineer.

    2. Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.

  2. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

    2. Membership committee on hold.

  3. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

    1. Clear Autumn Olive from trails 2-3, 2-15.  Use chipper.

    2. Workbee before wham event, April 19th.

    3. Put in corrals before WHAM event.

    4. Workbee weekend before Poker Ride if needed.

    5. Workbee to move rocks.

  4. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Stephanie (DNR).

    2. Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the official trail map.

  5. Build Corrals

    1. Build Corrals: Dawn and Scott cleared areas behind sites 11 and 12 to build new corrals. Areas still need to be leveled prior to corral construction.

  6. Identify Trail Maintenance needs:

    1. A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.

    2. A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.

    3. This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.

  7. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  8. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  9. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    2. Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???

    3. Membership: On hold

  10. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  11. Confidence Course and Kids Loop

    1. Dawn Cope, Steve Keim, and Scott Cope met with Donna Maria on November 5th, 2024 to walk the area.

    2. Next step is to mark the Kids Loop and clear the trail.

      1. Part of the Kid’s Loops and Confidence Course has been marked out and cleared.

      2. Need to complete marking of Kids Loop and have work bee to clear.

      3. Board members to walk, maybe next week.  

    3. Once clearing is completed, a meeting will be scheduled with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.

    4. Potential obstacles were presented to the OREA Board of Directors for consideration. Proposed obstacles are addressed in the Confidence Course Goal.

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

    • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    • The Activities committee met on October 29.

      • Schedule Activities for the 2025 Season

        • January Member Meeting / Banquet(Potluck)

          • January 17, 2025 – Friday → approve with board date change

          • Ortonville Hall, cost? $70→ Steve/Robin 

          • Metamora Lions Club??? Cost involved ▪

          • Lise to check with Tamara for Hadley Community Church

          • Potluck

          • Dawn to check on location

          • White Elephant (something from barn)

            • Ang will put “rules” together

          • Start advertising soon!!

        • WHAM Judged Trail Ride / Campout at Hadley (not an OREA event)

          • Friday, April 25 – Sunday, April 27

          • Julie Dewitt / (Kayla Barber)

          • Do they want us to do a flyer on our page also?

          • WHAM will do all except:

            • OREA to pull DNR permit

        • Memorial Day Campout / Poker Ride

          • Friday, May 23 – Monday, May 26

          • Need Advertising!

          • Poker Ride Saturday, May 24

          • Poker chips / bags

            • Ang can make cavas/jeans bags 

            • iron on logo by Dawn

            • 7 bags – different colors

          • Potluck Sat nite

          • Other events / activities?

            • French Toast Breakfast Sunday (Steve)

            • Silent Auction

              • Start gathering items in December / January

              • Donations from Big Stores (TSC/FFH/Rural King)

                • Everything Equine → Lise

                • Dawn → Covered Wagon

            • 50/50 drawing (1/tix, $5/6 tix, $10/15tix)

            • Apparel Shop - YES

            • Night ride – find out what lights Kenny had for the Harvest Fest or borrow from DNR

            • Group campfire each night

              • DOUGHYS surprise one night!

              • Popcorn

              • S’mores

              • Awards at Bonfire

        • Ladies Weekend Campout ??

          • Mel will be having MHC Ladies’ weekend on west side this year (I think)

        • Harvest Fest Campout w/ DNR

          • October 24-26

            • orignal date: October 17-19 (Fri-Sun) → Addison OAKS is doing theirs this weekend, we’ll need to change to following weekend

          • Need DNR buy-in / help

          • Most stuff DNR managed/setup

          • Apparel Shop

        • Other Events:

          • MHC Expo

            • March 7-9, 2025

            • Proposal to have table again. 

              • Motion to accept Dawn Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim.  All in favor.

                • Get and pay for table

                  • MHC Expo – Nikki / Jen?

              • Signage, donation bucket, spin-to-win, merch

              • People to man the table (take turns!)

          • Work Bees – is this area this committee’s purview?

            • What areas of the trail need work

            • General trail maintenance

              • Check trails before WHAM Event

              • Check campground

              • Check day-use area

            • 3rd Weekend in April 19th tentative (before WHAM)

            • Corrals before WHAM


              • DNR chipper?

            • Move the rocks​

          • Obstacle course

            • Get with DM

            • Decide with board what we want to work on this year for obstacles

              • To have meeting at trail to go over what ones we want

    • Next Meeting Dec 10, 2024 6pm

      • we may need to change this, as the MHC board meeting is at 7pm (or we can keep and do before the MHC Meeting)

Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine, December article done, thanks, Steve!

  • Tracy Evans (OREA member and organizer of the Addison Oaks Camp & Ride in October) has volunteered to set up a web store for OREA merchandise (Mainly printed materials). She does the printing for the MHC and has offered to do our printing. Scott sent her our OREA logo.

    • Dawn talked with Tracy at the Addison Oaks Ride, she said she has been very busy but will be getting with Dawn after the New Year to discuss this further.

  • Dawn and DNR are working with the Austin Streeter, Eagle Scout who is going to complete a Historical research and marker project on the Ortonville Equestrian Trail System.

    • Dawn and Stephanie (DNR) met with Austin on October 28th, 2024 to discuss the details of the project.

    • Austin was provided all the locations of the various foundations located on the trail system.

    • He is going to put the details of the project together and present it to his Scout Leader for approval.

    • Dawn will be following up with Austin once he gets approval to go forward with his proposed Eagle scout Project.

  • Asphalt millings for parking pads in campground?​

New Business

  • DNR Friend Group Partnership Match Program.

    • They award 8 to 12 projects totaling about $100,000.

    • Applications are due by January 17th, 2025

    • Dawn to Apply.

  • Any other new business?

    • We plan to inventory facebook members to see who has heavy equipment.

    • MHTA board meeting (Scott attended).  They are putting together packet of drawings of corrals, hitching posts, etc.  Working together to help each other out.

    • MHC  discussion hour.  Scott and Dawn attended (virtual).   Discussion re:  how Michigan Horse Council could help local organizations. 

    • OREA Election​

      • Robin to put together email to send out re:  upcoming election.

    • 2025 Goals Need to be Established

      • Need to Status and Update 2024 Goals​

      • 2024 Accomplishments for January 2025 Meeting

    • Steve and Vera attended work event and worked with the Maybury Trail Riders at Maybury State Park.   They took out a culvert and cleared out the creek.   Trip report link below.

    • Harry is on the Move at Highland!

    • Hours and Mileage to Scott by End of Year -

      • The hours we report to the DNR (OREA and Horse Groups in general) influence spending on horse trails and camp areas

      • $716,529! These are the recorded volunteer efforts that our equestrian trail organizations of Michigan donated in volunteers hours and donations in 2023. The Michigan Horse Trails Association compiles this information every year to share with the public, legislators, and land managers. Volunteer efforts can even be used as contributions to some matching grants. OREA's contribution to that number was $127,435 - 17.8% of the total. It all adds up!!!

      • Can use Google Maps or similar app to determine mileage for buying supplies, going to events, etc.

    • Lise suggested an introduction letter for Orea to give out when appropriate.  To be included:  backside of membership form info and benefits of membership.

    • Master book of forms.  It was decided that this was best done electronically. 

    • Lise suggested name tags for events/expos.

    • The 2025 Volunteer and Friends Summit will take place on April 4-5 (in person only) at the Ralph A. MacMullan Conference Center. Interested participants can register now.

      • Ang and Mel (MHC) to possibly attend.​

    • Brief discussion of our fb site.  We are going to block Daniel Wright (ductwork ads).

  • Next regular meeting: December 17th, 2024.

  • Meeting adjourned 7:45

OREA  October 15th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

October 15th, 2024, at 6:00 pm

President Dawn Cope’s Home

2050 Mountain Estates Drive,

Leonard, MI 48367


Present at meeting:  Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan

Google meet attendees:  Ang Sherman, Julie Dewitt, Nancy Duffy Green, Scott Dewitt, Leanne Sawvel

  • Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Dawn Cope.

  • September minutes approved .  Motion by Lise Mouthaan, 2nd by Vera Kraft, all in favor.

  • Steve Keim presented Treasurer’s report. 

    • Currently 79 memberships.

    • Current account balance $14110.55.

    • Motion to accept report by Steve Keim, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.

    • This report  in its entirety is on the website for review.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Dawn & Scott Cope, Jannette Beaver, and Julie DeWitt attended the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th, 2024. OREA provided a presentation and handouts to the three commissioners and the county highway engineer. The engineer was asked by the commissioners to check the intersection and see what could be done. They called last Thursday while we were on the trails monitoring the contractor’s work. We did not have a good enough signal to communicate well. Dawn will call them this week to get further details.

    2. Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.

  2. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

    2. Membership committee on hold.

  3. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

    1. There will be a work bee for the corrals and the bypass trail change soon.

  4. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back

    2. Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the official trail map.

  5. Build Corrals

    1. The new corrals will be constructed on campsites 11 and 12. The area has been cleared, but still needs to be leveled prior to digging the post holes.

  6. Identify Trail Maintenance needs:

    1. Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects. Current projects with Equine Solutions are completed.

  7. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  8. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  9. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    2. Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???

    3. Membership: On hold

  10. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  11. Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.

    1. Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

    • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

  1. The Activities committee will be meeting soon and will provide recommendations for 2025 activities at our November 19th, 2024, board meeting.

    1. Suggestions offered:

      1. Fall Harvest Festival with DNR

      2. Judged Trail Ride (With WHAM’s help)

      3. CMO event

      4. Spring Poker Ride

      5. Spring Festival event

      6. January membership meeting

      7. Hunting Seasons

      8. MHC Horse Expo

  2. Julie DeWitt discussed Wham holding the judged trail ride this year with OREA's support.  One item they might need help with is judges.  This will be held April 26th.​​

Old Business

DNR Projects

  1. Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    1. Equine Solutions contractor has completed all projects

  2. Complete west side creek crossing

    1. Creek crossing, mat put in place.  To be painted possibly and install more mats. 

      1. Mats and limestone have been installed. This repair will be monitored to see how it holds up and if it can be a completed fix for the west side creek crossing.

  3. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

    1. DNR to determine re:  supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done. ​

    2. Temporary repair until DNR gets approval to replace/repair

  4. Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.

  5. Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.

    1. Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Completion date?

  6. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

      1. Sign installed near the entrance of the Day Use Area.

      2. New sign, to be re-done? ​

    2. Vault toilet: Estimate?

      1. Have existing vault that we can use​

      2. Cost for toilet and install of both?

    3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. OREA received a check on October 12 from the Michigan Horse Council for $300 to be used for the Vault Toilet project in the Day Use Area!!!

    4. Status of WIP submitted.

      1. Historical review?

      2. Any update?

    5. The port-a-potty in the day use area will be removed for the winter at the end of October.

  7. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. All campsites will be reservable starting October 1st, 2024.

      1. DNR reservation system is still showing restrictions on remaining 7 campsites​

    2. Campground usage numbers

      1. 57 campsite nights in 2023.  In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!​

      2. 40+ campsite nights for the Fall Harvest Fest!!!

  8. New gate installation at the campground entrance

    1. DNR (Ryan) suggested fence instead of rocks bordering entrance to campground. ​

  9. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

  10. DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.

  11. New sign installed at the campground entrance…….Great Job DNR!!!! It look awesome!!

  12. Hitching posts installed in field between marker 1 and 2 for Harvest Fest Event

  13. Possible future sign:  Registered campers and guests only beyond this point.

Other Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine –

    • Thank you Steve for the wonderful Article for October issue.

    • Steve to provide Novembers Saddle Up article.  Thank you Steve!

    • Scott will provide pictures for the new trail ribbon cutting, MHC donation and Harvest fest.

  • Tracy Evans (OREA member and organizer of the Addison Oaks Camp & Ride in October) has volunteered to set up a web store for OREA merchandise (Mainly printed materials). She does the printing for the MHC and has offered to do our printing. Scott sent her our OREA logo.

    • We have not heard from her? Dawn…Any updates?

  • Dawn and DNR will be working with the Eagle Scout who wants to complete a project. (Dawn talked with eagle scout Austin Streeter and they have tentatively decided to investigate providing historical markers on the trail.) More details to come.

  • Review of the Harvest festival event

    • Activities

      • New Trail Ribbon cutting

      • Sasquatch

      • Trick or treating on the trails

      • Archery

      • Bobbing for apples

      • Picture booth

      • Potluck

      • Night ride

      • Campfire stories

      • Costume contest

      • Campsite decorating contest

    • DNR made picket post area in Jossman Rd area (field).

    • Next year combine trick or treating with game.

    • Advise everyone to bring “tag” picked off trail to dinner.

    • Everything went off very well.  The feedback was very positive from attendees.  Many mentioned hope that we do this next year.  Possibly 3rd weekend in October, to be confirmed by DNR.

    • Can we convince the DNR to take the lead like they did this year?

New Business

  • MHC Michigan Horse Council $300 grant for the Day Use vault toilet and $200 from the Women’s weekend event. Melissa DeWitt presented President Dawn Cope with a check at the event on Saturday.

    • Dawn/Scott to send thank you to MHC.​

  • Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf (Equine Trails Subcommittee) wants to use OREA as an example for a trail improvement project presentation to the DNR. OREA will provide details of the projects just completed and other trail projects needed with cost estimates. Scott, Dawn to ride trails and put together a report for her.

  • Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf (Equine Trails Subcommittee) has asked OREA to provide drawings and details of hitching posts, mounting blocks, picket poles, water crossings, and manure bunkers that can be used by the DNR and other associations as they consider improvements to their trail system.

  • Any other new business?

    • Trip Report - Ionia, Waterloo, Pontiac Lake, Malabar Farm (Ohio), Mohican (Ohio)​

      • ​Steve gave a report on the travels to different parks this summer.  Waterloo, Ionia very unlevel for trailer parking.  Let’s make Orea the exception with nice level parking.  Screen millings possible solution to make that happen.  $400.00 semi load.  We need to find out how much is in a semi load (Dawn). Ionia not very user friendly.   Pontiac Lake sites level. Other noting:  We can use roads that have access to trails as part of our trails (will help increase miles).  Roads used as emergency.  We need to post in kiosks where to access water and dump stations.

    • Relook at trail going down from campground.  Maybe reroute water away from trail.

    • New Orea map to be made after adding new trails, DNR will update.

    • Dawn and Scott to attend MHC meeting and report back.

  • Next regular meeting: November 19th, 2024. (Editor note: Meeting will be at Treasurer Steve Keim's residence at 12305 Mount Morris Rd, Columbiaville. Send note to if you wish to attend in person. GPS instructions may or may not get you there!)

  • Motion to adjourn the meeting.

OREA  September 17th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

September 17th, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Metamora-Hadley DNR Office

3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455


In person: Dawn Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, and Scott Cope

Google meet: Ang Sherman

Absent with notice: Robin Bobek and Lise Mouthaan

  • Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by President Dawn Cope.

  • August meeting minutes approved. Motion by Scott Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim (All in favor)

  • Steve Keim provided the treasurer’s report.

    • Currently 77 memberships o Current account balance $12,851.29

    • Motion to approve treasure’s report by Vera Kraft, 2nd by Scott Cope (All in favor)

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Robin Bobek made arrangement for the OREA board to attend the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th at 4:30 pm to discuss safety concerns with the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection. Thank you Robin!!!

    2. Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.

  2. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

    2. Membership committee on hold.

  3. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

    1. There will be a work bee for the corrals and the bypass trail change soon.

  4. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back

    2. Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the o icial trail map.

  5. Build Corrals

    1. The new corrals will be constructed on campsites 11 and 12. The area has been cleared, but still needs to be leveled prior to digging the post holes.

  6. Identify Trail Maintenance needs:

    1. Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects

  7. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  8. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  9. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    2. Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???

    3. Membership: On hold

  10. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  11. Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.

    1. Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025

  • Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report

    • Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

  1. Updates on the DNR/OREA Harvest Festival October 11th,12th and 13th?

  2. Are we doing a Poker Ride next year? If so, week need to pick a date.​

Old Business

DNR Projects

  1. Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    1. Equine solutions on board for trail work.  Cost $27,500 (DNR covering). 

    2. Scott Cope asked to assist keeping eye on project. 

    3. The contractor will complete the 4 trail projects by the end of September.

  2. Complete west side creek crossing

    1. Creek crossing, mat put in place.  To be painted possibly and install more mats. 

      1. ​Status of temporary mat installation? ​

  3. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

    1. DNR to determine re:  supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done. ​

    2. Temporary repair until DNR gets approval to replace/repair

  4. Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.

  5. Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.

    1. Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Waiting for bug free weather to complete.​

  6. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

      1. New sign, to be re-done? ​

    2. Vault toilet: Estimate?

      1. Have existing vault that we can use​

      2. Cost for toilet and install of both?

    3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?

    4. Status of WIP submitted.

      1. Historical review?

      2. Any update?

    5. The port-a-potty in the day use area will be removed for the winter at the end of October.

  7. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. All campsites will be reservable starting October 1st, 2024.

    2. Campground usage numbers

      1. 57 campsite nights in 2023.  In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!​

  8. New gate installation at the campground entrance

  9. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

  10. DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.

Other Old Business

  • Steve submitted the October Saddle Up Magazine article. Thank you Steve!!!

  • Dawn will check with Tracy Evens to see how she is progressing with the OREA web store. Scott will respond to Lise’s email regarding the web store.

  • Dawn is working with Eagle Scout Austin Streeter and the DNR to determine what project he can do.

New Business

  • Dawn reviewed a list of items that need to be completed by the October 12th Harvest Festival.

    • Dawn contacted Kathy Wichman about making sign for the High Vista trail ribbon cutting.

    • Dawn will check DNR (Kenny) about the Saturday lunch.

    • Dawn will also check with DNR (Kenny) about installing a high line near the bonfire area.

    • OREA volunteers will be working with the DNR to complete the items.

  • Discussed future activities

    • The Activities Committee will meet to discuss and make a recommendation on possible 2025 activities to the OREA Board by the November 19th, 2024, OREA Board meeting.

      • Suggestions offered:

        • Fall Harvest Festival

        • Judged Trail Ride (WHAM to help)

        • CMO event

        • Spring Poker Ride

  • Dawn indicated that our next OREA Board meeting is scheduled for October 15th, 2024.

  • Meeting closed at 6:54 pm Motion by Scott Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim….All in favor.

OREA  August 20th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

August 20th, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Angella Sherman’s Home

9145 Apple Orchard Drive, Fenton, MI 48430


Present: President Dawn Cope, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board Members Angella Sherman, Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan

Members present virtually: Treasurer Steve Keim, Amy Scharmen Burgdolf

Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, No DNR staff in attendance.

  • Meeting called to order 6:04

  • Review and approval of prior minutes.  Scott Cope motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.

  • Treasurers report presented and accepted.  Balance as of July 16:  $12848.25.  Memberships 76 (1 new). Scott Cope motioned to accept.  Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission. They have weekly meetings. She suggested that we attend a meeting and provide a report on our concern.

    2. next step to attend Road commission meeting, take our pictures taken at pullout.  Call ahead to see if we need to be added to agenda. 

    3. An alternative put in saddle up and to be put on website is to take Sawmill Lake road when pulling out. (WM: This was in August Saddle Up!)

  2. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

    2. Membership committee on hold.

  3. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

    1. Possibly open up trail for equine solution workers.​

  4. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back

  5. Build Corrals

    1. Dawn and Scott surveyed the sites and determined site 11 and 15 would be the best sites for the next two corrals.​

  6. Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects

  7. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  8. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  9. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.

    2. Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???

    3. Membership: On hold

  10. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  11. Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.

    1. Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025

Old Business

DNR Projects

  1. Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    1. Equine solutions on board for trail work.  Cost $27,500 (DNR covering). 

    2. Scott Cope asked to assist keeping eye on project. 

  2. Complete west side creek crossing

    1. ii: Creek crossing, mat put in place.  To be painted possibly and install more mats.  ​

  3. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

    1. DNR to determine re:  supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done. ​

  4. Grind Stump by picket post on campsite 11.

  5. Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.

    1. Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Waiting for bug free weather to complete.​

  6. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

      1. New sign, to be re-done? ​

    2. Vault toilet: Estimate?

      1. Have existing vault that we can use​

    3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?

    4. Status of WIP submitted. Historical review?

  7. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. Entire campground will be reservable in 2025. (

    2. Campground usage numbers

      1. 57 campsite nights in 2023.  In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!​

  8. New gate installation at the campground entrance

  9. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

  10. DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.

Other Old Business

  • MHC Ladies Weekend recap of events: The weekend declared a success despite rain!

  • Saddle Up Magazine:  Steve Keim submitted for September issue.

New Business

  • Request approval of OREA President’s paint and ribbon purchase.

    • .  $28.96. Scott Cope motioned, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor​

  • Request for approval of $50 to purchase paint for donated corral gates.

    • Note: Not needed because funding for building the corrals was approved in the July meeting. This is part of that funding.

  • Discuss OREA President having $100 available for misc. purchases.

    • $100.00 approved for misc purchases for President Dawn Cope, $100.00 approved for misc purchases for  fundraiser committee.  Scott Cope motioned, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.​

  • Harvest Festival tentative dates October 11, 12th.

  • Tracy Evans will tentatively do future apparel printing for us.  We also discussed possible online store. 

  • Lise proposed moving Judged Trail Ride to October, 2nd weekend?  Check for free dates for October.  Referred to Fundraiser & Activities Committee. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned 6:57. 

Next regular meeting September 17th, 2024 at DNR office.    

OREA  July 16th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

July 16th, 2024, at 6:00 pm Metamora-Hadley DNR Office 3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455


Present: President Dawn Cope, Treasurer Steve Keim, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board Members Angella Sherman(virtual), Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan


Members present virtually: Leeanne Sawvel, Angella Sherman


Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, No DNR staff in attendance.

  • Meeting called to order 6:01

  • Review and approval of the June 18th, 2024, meeting minutes. Robin Bobek motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.

  • Review and approval of the Treasurer’s Report.

    • Balance is $11477.83. Scott Cope motioned to accept. Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor. This report is on the website for review.​

    • 75 members now!

    • Dawn Cope made a motion to close corral 8 expenses, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission and emailed a report to the board members.

    2. Next steps?

      1. Suggestions: mow area, clean weeds, stop sign south bound hadley, study: how do we get that done? Attend road commission meeting? Provide pictures of intersection, reflective mirror? Bring to attention the increased # of campers. Robin to reconnect with road commission, come up with plan and give report at August meeting.

  2. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

  3. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

    1. Workbees on hold for now.

  4. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back

  5. Build Corrals: Discuss location of two potential new corrals

  6. Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects

  7. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)

  8. Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)

  9. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. Status?

  10. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  11. Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.

    1. Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025

Old Business

DNR Projects

  1. Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    1. Trail projects 1, 2, 3, 5. $30,000 allocated.

    2. Scott to receive quote in August.

    3. OREA to check that its clear for them.​

  2. Cut large tree across trail between trail marker #10 and #11.

  3. Complete west side creek crossing

    1. Kenny to do​

  4. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

  5. Grind Stump by picket post on campsite 11.

  6. Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.

    1. being worked on​

  7. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

    2. Vault toilet

      1. waiting on approval and cost​

    3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?

    4. Status of WIP submitted. Historical review?

  8. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. All campsites to be on reservation system for 2025

  9. New gate installation at the campground entrance

    1. fall – winter installation.​

  10. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

    1. solar well project requested for 2025​

  11. Installed concrete walk to main vault toilet

  12. Discuss OREA request for approval to build 2 new corrals

    1. We are approved for these, but dnr would like it capped on corrals for now.

    2. Money is allocated already. Steve Keim moved to build corrals, Dawn Cope seconded, all in favor.

    3. To look at area, will possibly put them at 12, 15

Other Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine

    • Steve to write article for for August issue.

    • Noted: new staff/changes at Saddle Up.​

New Business

  • MHC Women’s Weekend August 16th – 18th

    • How does OREA want to participate?

      • Dawn submitted event application to the DNR and received approval

      • OREA to put on horseshoe ride.

      • Lise to take pictures of models with apparel.

      • OREA to put on bonfire.

      • MHC to put on glow ride at night.

  • Any other new business?​​

    • No other new business​

Next regular meeting to be held August 20th, 2024. To be held at Angella Sherman’s house (bring swimsuit/towel). 9145 Apple Orchard Dr., Fenton, Mi 6:00.

Meeting adjourned 7:12 pm

OREA  June 18th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim

OREA Board Meeting

June 18th, 2024, at 6:00 pm Metamora-Hadley DNR Office 3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman


Present: President Dawn Cope, Treasurer Steve Keim, Board members Angella Sherman and Scott Cope


Members present virtually: Mellisa DeWitt, Kaitlynn Tuckey


Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board member Lise Mouthaan, No DNR staff in attendance.

  • Meeting called to order 6:08 pm.

  • Review and approval of prior minutes. Scott Cope motioned to accept with modifications underlined below, Dawn Cope seconded, all in favor.

    •  m. Committees. Goal. Strategy Committee Est March 2024. Other committees proposed (see strategy report).

    • o. Proposed confidence course looked at and voted on to build this in the area between the campground and the day use area where it was approved by the DNR.

  • Treasurer’s report presented and reviewed. Balance is $10,788.05. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Ang Sherman seconded, all in favor. This report is on the website for review.

    • Discussion on adding an additional $500 for Cope tractor expenses. Motion by Steve Keim, 2nd by Ang Sherman….all in favor

    • Steve Keim made a motion to close the paint expense from March, 2nd by Scott Cope…all in favor

    • Dawn Cope to go to Chase Bank and see about getting an OREA credit card

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Poker ride: Reviewed event

    1. Silent auction did not go well

      1. Do something online next year

      2. Prepare silent auction flyer

    2. Need to have some way to get together with those who attend event

      1. Pot luck

    3. Put kiosk in Day Use and Campground area

  2. Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake

    1. Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission and emailed a report to the board members.

    2. Next steps?

  3. Large Animal Rescue Workshop (Held in Pinkney on June 8th. Discussion on workshop) Dawn and Scott reviewed the workshop

  4. Memberships

    1. Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership

  5. Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee

  6. Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails

    1. Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back

  7. Build Corrals: A new corral was installed at campsite #8

  8. Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects

  9. Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (DNR project)

  10. Day Use Area Project (DNR project)

  11. Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees

    1. 1. Status?

  12. Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance

    1. Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)

  13. Confidence Course

    1. Also look into possible path for cart between the campground and day use area

    2. Consider Special committee for confidence course project

Old Business

DNR Projects

No DNR staff in attendance so there were no updates on DNR projects

  1. Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.

  2. Cut large tree across trail between trail marker #10 and #11.

  3. Complete west side creek crossing

  4. Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2

  5. Grind Stump by picket post on campsite 11.

  6. Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.

  7. Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    1. New sign for Day Use Area

    2. Vault toilet: Estimate?

    3. DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?

    4. Status of WIP submitted. Historical review?

  8. Campsite reservation system: How is it working?

    1. Put in request to have all campsites on the reservation system

  9. New gate installation at the campground entrance

  10. Put solar well in for 2025 project approval

Other Old Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine 

    • Article submitted for the July issue

    • Under new management

    • Send membership application to saddle up if they do it this year

New Business

  • Discussed west side stream crossing by bridge between marker 1 and 2.

    • DNR estimate $1,600….No DNR funds available

    • Motion by Scott Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim for OREA to provide $1,600 to the DNR to allow them to complete the stream crossing. All in favor

  • Steve Keim: Diane Wannamaker sent an email with several ideas on possible events that OREA could provide.​

Next regular meeting: July 16th, 2024.

Meeting adjourned 7:58 p.m.

OREA  May 21st, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim

OREA Board Meeting

May 21st, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Ortonville Recreation Area

Day Use Area

Just east of

5054 Fox Lake Rd, Ortonville, MI 48462 


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Angela Sherman


Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan, Robin Bobek, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Angella Sherman, Donna Maria Flood

  • Meeting called to order 6:01

  • Welcome Angela!!

  • Todd Farrell, DNR Representative, is not available for our meeting, so DNR items postponed until our June meeting. 

  • Review and approval of April meeting minutes.  Scott Cope motioned, Vera Kraft seconded, all in favor.

  • Review and approval of Treasurers report.  5 new memberships!!  75 total at this time!  Balance in treasurery at this time is $10,530.06.  To read the entirety of the treasurer’s report, click below.  Scott Cope motioned to approve the minutes, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.

Standing Committees

  • ​Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

  1. Goal: Poker Ride with Campover

    1. Poker Ride Preparation (Scott)

      1. Create add for Saddle Up Magazine (In May Issue – developed by Donna Maria Flood) Done

      2. Create event flyer

        1. Last meeting the board approved an increase on the Poker Ride entry fee (using ad from Saddle Up Magazine developed by Donna Maria Flood) Done

          1. New fee is $25 for anyone 16 or older

          2. New fee is $5 for anyone 15 or younger

          3. $5 fee for meal only

      3. OREA 25th anniversary celebration (March 11th, 2023)

        1. Commemorative banner for events? N/A

      4. Community Bonfire each night – weather permitting

      5. Set-up and clean-up

      6. OREA display items (DAWN)

        1. Annual report

        2. Donation Guide

        3. OREA 2024 goals

        4. Benefits of membership

        5. Donation box from MHC Expo

      7. Merchandise display and sales. (Lise – Point of Contact; Steve to bring stuff from home)

      8. Map Poker Ride route.

      9. Put yarn bags on trail (Dawn&Scott)

      10. Verify trails are clear (DNR/Dawn&Scott)

      11. Registration at event

        1. Money: Change needed ($150 – 15 X $5 & 75 X $1)

        2. Deal and assess poker hands 50/50 raffle

      12. Food purchase (Lise & Robin)

        1.  Menu, food for Friday, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday

      13. Food preparation (Ang)

        1. Steve to bring solar Generator

        2. Dawn to bring 2 coolers

      14. Silent auction (Robin point of contact)

        1. Need items for auction – Facebook Post - Call for Items

        2. Use items from 2023 Judged Trail Ride

        3. Horse Hoodies donation

      15. Guided Trail Rides on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

      16. Approve budget for Poker Ride expenses. ($300)

      17. Parking coordinator for Day Use Area

        1. WHO?

        2. Do we have a parking layout?

    2. Campover (Dawn)

      1. Campground Reservations  (Campsite Dates & Total)

1 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

2 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

3 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

4 May 24 - 1 night

5 May 24, 25, 26 - 3 nights

6 May 23, 24, 25, 26 - 4 nights

7 May 22, 23, 24, 25 - 4 nights

8 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

9 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

10 May 23, 24, 25, 26 - 4 nights

11 May 24, 25 - 2 nights

12 May 23, 24, 25, 26 - 4 nights

13 May 23, 24, 25, 26 - 4 nights

16 May 24, 25 - 2 nights nights

Total 38 reservation nights!

  1. Goal – Stop Sign (Robin)

  2. Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop - Saturday June 8 (Steve)

    1. OREA 2024 Goal - Equine Community Support

    2. A donor has sponsored 4 attendees from OREA - 2 Board Members, one DNR Team Member, and one Local Emergency Responder.

      1. Recommend Dawn & Scott because they work closely with the DNR and would be available to be part of a coordinated emergency response team for our area

      2.  Recommend Kenny from the DNR because he championed the rescue at Ortonville out on the trail system

      3. Kenny has a first responder contact that he recommends

    3. We hope this provides the basis of a coordinated emergency response team for our area.

    4. To check with the fire chief in Hadley.  Flyers to local officials. 

  3. Memberships (Steve)

    1. Bylaw Changes and Standing Rules for Daily Memberships

      1. Motion for wording on each bylaw change

      2. Establish Standing Rules to replace specifics from bylaws

      3. Steve Keim motioned to approve, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.

    2. Business Membership?

      1. Other equestrian trail groups do it!

      2. Horsehoodies would like to be a Business Member

      3. What would we charge?

      4. What would be the benefits to the Business Member?

  4. Goal – Work Bees (Dawn)

    1. Official Work Bee May 4 – 10 OREA volunteers + 2 DNR team members

      1. OREA 2024 Goal - Add bypass trail between TM 1 & bridge: Established new Bypass Trail which will replace the muddiest section between the campground and Trail Marker 2

      2. Managed Rerouting and Clearing of ½ of New Trail

    2. Unofficial Work Bee May 6 – 4 OREA volunteers

      1. Finished clearing New Trail including rerouted areas

    3. Other DNR & OREA work accomplished  

      1. Mapped work bee and prepped routing Cut trees and ground stumps in campground and day use area

      2. Cut trees and cleared brush around the bridge

      3. Cut trees, cleared brush and leveled area by the Day Use Trailhead for portapotty, mounting block, picnic table (etc.)

      4. Relocated mounting block in day use area

      5. Cut trees, cleared brush, and leveled area east of trail head for hiker parking

      6. Smoothed and leveled Day Use Circle Drive

      7. Numbered fire pits and parking blocks

      8. New signs installed at campground entrance

      9. Leveled Site 2 in campground

      10. Cleaned up mud bogging mess in pavilion from vandals

      11. Removed unused fire pits and parking blocks from campground

      12. Installed corral gates

      13. Built and installed new door for vault toilet

      14. Cleaned and leveled corrals for WHAM event

      15. Set up picnic tables on all campsites

      16. Relocated 7 picket poles

      17. Moved Fire Pits on Site 16 and 14

      18. OREA 2024 Goal – Signage – Put up yield to horses signs

    4. Vera & Steve i. Did some clearing on one of the “walking trails”

  5. Goals: Add existing trails to Official Trails & Add trails to roads & parking areas to Official Trails (Steve)

    1. Added specific trail descriptions for Blue & Green Trails, Pines Trail, and other Pinnacle Point Trails to Goals document (Steve & Scott)

    2. Added specific descriptions for Access Trails to Goals Document

    3. Included trail maps based on DNR interactive trails map to Goals Documents

    4. Timing needs to be prior to new DNR mapping.

  6. OREA 2024 Goal - Build Corrals (Scott)

    1. Scott provided parts list which is added to Goal

    2. Estimate $1500 to build a corral - $1000 in materials, $500 for base

    3. Have volunteer from WHAM with skid steer to dig post holes

    4. DNR info on Corrals - may need WIP in the future

    5. Will discuss possible motion to build another corral at June meeting after we see what donations occur at Poker Ride.

  7. OREA 2024 Goal - Trail Repairs (Scott)

    1. Reduced areas to be repaired for current budget allocation from 5 to 4

      1. Muddy area that needs culverts and fill on the New Trail east of Jasmond Rd

      2. Wet Meadow in north section of Trail 3A west of Jasmond Rd

      3. Muddy section on trail 3A south of Danger split rail fencing

      4. Muddy section before Trail marker 3 coming from south side

    2. One of the original bidders has dropped out No longer need to do repair between new bypass trail and bridge

  8. OREA 2024 Goal - Vault Toilet for Day Use Area (Dawn)

    1. Temporary port-a-potty in place

    2. DNR to verify actual cost for vault toilet. Could be more than first estimated.

  9. OREA 2024 Goal - Day Use Area Redesign (Dawn)

    1. DNR Archeologists are claiming the Day Use area may be a Historical Site!

  10. OREA 2024 Goal – Committees

    1. . Strategy Committee was established February 2024

    2. Would like to have Communications Committee established

      1. Ex officio members – OREA President, OREA Secretary, OREA Treasurer

      2. Would like to also have Donna Maria Flood & Ang Sherman on the committee

        1. Donna Maria does all of the graphics we have been using on Facebook and other places

        2. Ang is a constant poster on Facebook and has ties to Michigan Horse Council Trails Committee

      3. Others wanting to participate would be welcome

    3. Would like to have the Fund Raiser and Activities Committee established

      1. Ex officio members – OREA President, OREA Treasurer

      2. We have no other activities planned for this year!

      3. Suggest Ang as Chair with any other Board members willing, plus whoever can be recruited with skills and enthusiasm

    4. Would like to have the Membership Committee established

      1. Ex officio members – OREA President, OREA Treasurer, OREA Webmaster

      2. Right now Steve and Dawn do most of the Membership Stuff

  11. Build Kiosk in campground west of trail entrance. Scott to determine cost.

  12. Confidence course & Kids Loop​

    1. Proposed confidence course looked at and voted on to build this in the designated area between campground & day use area.  Scott Cope motioned, Dawn Cope seconded.  Vera Kraft, Angella Sherman, Lise Mouthaan, Steve Keim yes.  Robin Bobek no.​

Old Business

  • WHAM Ride: May 17-19, 2024. OREA 2024 Goal – Equine Community Support

    • Community bonfire hosted by OREA

      • Dawn & Scott Cope, Steve Keim, and Vera Kraft hosted a bonfire on Saturday evening.

      • Got feedback on their experience.

    • They had 23 riders for their event. 

    • Comments at bonfire included offers to help when OREA holds judged trail ride again.

New Business

  • See Strategy Committee in Standing Committees section

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Next regular meeting June 18th, 2024.

OREA  April 21st, 2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

Ang Sherman

OREA Board Meeting

April 21st, 2024, at 7:00 pm

Google Meet 


Google meet:  Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Steve Keim, Vera Kraft, Lise Mouthaan, Robin Bobek, Angella Sherman

  • Meeting called to order 7:10. 

  • Angella Sherman introduced herself and spoke of why she is interested in Orea.

  • General questions of Angela Sherman.  Proximity to park, will Angela be available to participate in events? (Yes).  Angella offered to cook at Poker ride and how ever else she could help out there.

  • Scott Cope motion to vote Angella Sherman to fill vacant position on Orea board for duration of 2024.  Lise Mouthaan seconded (all in favor).  Welcome Angella!

  • Dawn Cope spoke briefly of tentative work bee coming up, date to be determined.

  • Next Orea meeting is May 21, 2024, location to be determined.

  • Meeting adjourned 7:25.  

OREA  April 16th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

OREA Board Meeting

April 16th, 2024, at 6:00 pm Metamora-Hadley DNR Office 3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455


In person: Todd Farrell (DNR Representative), Steve Keim, Lise Mouthaan, Vera Kraft, Scott Cope, Robin Bobek


Google meet: Melissa Dewitt, Angela Sherman


Absent with notice: Dawn Cope

  • Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice President Vera Kraft.

  • March minutes approved with the acknowledgement of logo tabled indefinitely, not later date. Also noted that Vera Kraft will not lead guided trail ride. Motion by Lise Mouthaan to approve minutes with modifications noted. 2nd by Steve Keim (All in favor).

  • Steve presented the financial report. Balance as of today is $10,376.65. We have 70 memberships! Please see, board meetings to view financial report in its entirety. Motion to approve by Robin Bobek, Vera Kraft 2nd (all in favor).

Old Business

  • MHC Annual membership meeting on April 9th, 2024.

    • Steve Keim and Vera Kraft attended.

    • Elected to MHC board is Melissa Dewitt, Gail Hilbrand, and Sasha Glover.

    • Update on MHC grant application? We will find out after numbers are tabulated for Michigan Horse Expo.

    • Can we use MHC Zoom account for our board meetings? Melissa DeWitt will find out if available.

    • MHC bylaw changes: working through by-laws to update.

    • MHC Organizational insurance: do we need to apply for additional insurance for nonmembers participating in Poker Ride event?

      • We will use event membership to cover non-members.

      • We will amend/add to by-laws to make this change. Steve Keim to send board members email regarding this.

      • Steve Keim motioned to rescind payment of $75.00 to MHC for additional insurance. Vera Kraft 2nd (All in favor).


  • Strategy Committee Report.

    • Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.

    • Discussed original proposed goal to leverage and build the enthusiasm of our members and potential members so they feel engaged and feel like they have pride and personal ownership of the success of the Ortonville Recreation Area. Our most important piece of our mission.

    • Steve Keim motion to table further discussion of the Strategy Committee to next meeting. Scott Cope 2nd (all in favor).


  • Southern Michigan Orienteering Club Event on 4/20/24.

    • It was suggested at our last meeting that we provide them with information on how to act around horses.

    • Scott and Dawn to put up signs on trail stating acceptable behavior when interacting with riders/horses. (Signs were installed 4-18-24)

  • WHAM Ride: May 17-19, 2024.

    • Guided trail rides: Vera Kraft to contact WHAM to clarify if they want hosted rides.

    • Dawn and Scott Cope to host community bonfire on Saturday Evening and represent OREA.

    • Get feedback afterwards: what did they like, what can we do better?

  • Continue Confidence Course discussion.

    • Robin made another suggestion for placement of course if trail is not acceptable. There is a wide open field past first bridge where trail opens up. Easily accessible from Hadley rd., guard rail.

    • We are to look at suggested area for this on Memorial weekend.

DNR Projects

  • Thanked DNR for all the items they have completed already.

  • Items remaining:

    • Stump Grinding projects.

      • Campsite 16: Grind stump from tree removal

      • Day Use Area: Grind Stump where trees are cut.

    • Campsite 2: Relocate Picket Posts

    • Campsite 16: Relocate fire pit after tree and stump are removed.

    • Paint and mark all fire pits and parking blocks with campsite numbers. (DNR will complete this work based on conversation with Stephanie on 4-18-24)

    • Complete painting of the pavilion. (Front inside area of roof)

    • Install new door on the vault toilet.

    • Install gravel and grade Day Use Area.

    • On the Trail:
         •  Complete west side creek crossing.

      • Clear any downed trees on the trails.

  • Reviewed Other DNR Projects

    • One item on the DNR internal call for projects.

      • Day Use renovation project

    • Todd will put in a WIP for the main bridge repair between marker 1 & 2.

    • DNR considering using a dumpster for the manure collection in the campground.
      § Gate at campground entrance will not be completed until next winter.

    • Solar well was not approved. It will be put in again in the 2025 project requests.

    • WIP approved for the Day Use Area vault toilet.

      • DNR planning on constructing the above ground portion this winter for a spring installation.

      • Todd needs to reevaluate the cost of the project.

    • OREA received a $2,000 DNR Friends Partnership grant for the vault toilet.

    • OREA to take pictures of each campsite once all painting and numbering is completed and send to Todd for installation in the campsite reservation system.

    • Todd provided the applications for the Poker Ride event and putting the Poker Ride on the DNR event calendar. (Both applications were submitted by Dawn Cope on 4-18-24,)

New Business

  • Saddle Up Magazine: Monthly web full page color ad & print/web 600 word news article available. Thank you, Steve Keim.


  • Memorial Day Poker Ride planning. May 24-27.

  1. Create ad/flyer for Saddle up magazine. Thank you, Steve Keim and Donna Maria Flood.

  2. Create event flyer. Steve Keim and Donna Maria (done)

  3. OREA 25th anniversary (March 11th, 2023. Add going forward to paperwork, banner, etc. OREA 25 years commemoration and going strong (or something like this).

  4. Community bonfire each night, weather permitting.

  5. OREA display items: annual report, donation guide, OREA 2024 goals, benefits of membership, donation box from MHC Expo.

  6. Merchandise display (Lise. Steve&Vera to bring the shirts/hoodies/etc left at MHC).

  7. Map Poker Ride. We will put this together at May meeting.

  8. Yarn bags to be put on trial. (Scott has).

  9. Verify trails are clear.

  10. Registration at event: Bring change (Robin) $150.00 (75 5’s and 75 1’s). Registration will deal and assess hands.

  11. We will have 50/50 raffle.

  12. Food purchase/copies of papers needed (Lise/Robin). Steve Keim motion to authorize $300.00 max for Poker Ride event expenses (food and copies ect…) Lise Mouthaan 2nd (all in favor).

  13. Cook for hot dogs: Angela Sherman.

  14. Coolers to be brought by Scott Cope (2), Angela Sherman (1), Robin (1). Lise to pick up two bags of ice on way to event.

  15. Silent Auction: put fb notice for donations for silent auction (Steve Keim). Use items from 2023 judged trail ride. Who will take charge of this? Dawn to check with Tracy for possible volunteer.

  16. Steve has solar generator if needed.

  17. Need volunteer for coordinating parking at day use area. Need map to show person handling this how we should park people.

  18. Guided trail rides on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Just casual: do you want to ride?

  • Discussion on new corral: Tabled until after poker ride.


  • Work bees: Scott to talk with Dawn Cope. She will schedule and coordinate work bee for new trail and prep for Poker ride if necessary.

Round table discussion:

  • Steve update on Michigan horse events:

    • MTRA work bee: Steve Keim and Vera Kraft worked on the MTRA work bee clearing trail.

    • Horses for Hope Spring ride (Steve Keim, Vera Kraft, Karen DeOrnellas attended) nice turnout.

    • Bass River Rec Area outcome: this group was able to work out solution with other group using trail so horses can access the water.

    • MHTA Incident report form: report to fill out (also inform Todd/ranger at Hadley) if someone is in reservable spot at campground, dog out of control, etc.

      • Michigan Horse trails asked for OREA board members emails to send updates. Permission given to pass on emails.

  • Ionia: Spring kickoff sponsored by MHC is May 10-12th.


Motion to adjourn meeting 8:12 p.m. by Scott Cope. 2nd by Robin Bobek (all in favor).


Next regular meeting May 21st, 2024.

OREA  March 28th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

OREA Board Meeting

March 28th, 2024, at 4:00 pm

Keim/Kraft Residence

  • Attendees:

    • In person: Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Scott Cope, and Robin Bobek joined the meeting at 5:05 pm

    • Google meet: Dawn Cope, Melissa DeWitt, Ang Sherman and Karen Greenbay

  • Meeting called to order at 4:04 pm by Vice President Vera Kraft.

  • January meeting minutes approved. Motion by Scott seconded by Dawn Cope (All in favor)

  • Steve Keim provided the treasurer’s report.

    • Motion to close expo expenses by Steve Keim 2nd by Scott Cope (All in favor)

    • Motion to close expo expense for expo table by Steve Keim 2nd by Scott Cope (All in favor)

    • Motion to close MHTA membership expense by Steve Keim 2nd by Scott Cope (All in favor).

    • Motion to approve $500 for Cope tractor expenses by Steve Keim 2nd by Lise Mouthaan (All in favor)

    • Motion to approve treasure’s report by Dawn Cope 2nd by Lise Mouthaan (All in favor)

Old Business

  • Vera Kraft read the first two items under old business regarding the DNR grant and the strategy committee.

  • Steve Keim reviewed the updates to the website.

    • Melissa DeWitt and Ang Sherman thanked Steve for the great job he is doing with the website.

    • Need to update the campsite drawing to the latest version. (Post-meeting side not: done)

  • Steve Keim provided a report on the MHC Expo.

  • Scott Cope briefly reviewed the 2023 Annual Report and encouraged everyone to review it on the website.

  • Scott Cope reviewed the minutes from the March 18th, 2024 DNR meeting with Todd Farrell.

  • Scott Cope provided an update on what has been accomplished at the campground in preparation for the April 1st reservation system kickoff . He also reviewed the Project Wish List requested by the DNR.

  • Scott Cope provided a report on attending the MHC Trails Subcommittee meeting on February 5th and March 12th and the MHC board meeting on March 12th, 2024.

    • Scott Cope thanked Melissa DeWitt and Ang Sherman for their e orts to help promote the local horse associations around the state.

  • Steve Keim provided a report on attending the MHTA meeting in Clare on March 23rd, 2024.

DNR Projects

President Dawn Cope reviewed all the items on the agenda with Todd Farrell. The updates and answers he provided on each DNR Projects, Questions and Updates are noted in red.

  • Pavilion maintenance: complete painting pavilion (Front section of interior roof still needs paint)

    • This will be completed before the WHAM event on May.

  • Stump removal: By picket post at campsite #2 and campsite 11?

    • They will borrow a stump remover from another park and take care of these and any other stumps that need to be removed within the next month.

  • Install manure pits at one location in the campground. (Location TBD)

    • The DNR is planning on building a concrete block manure bunker sometime later in the year.

  • New gate installations at Tody Rd. and the campground entrance?

    • Tody Rd. completed and looking good…..THANK YOU!!!.

    • The gate at the campground will not be completed until late this year or spring 2025.

  • Update on DNR approval of the Confidence/Obstacle Course?

    • The Confidence Course has been approved by the DNR and can be installed at any time.

  • Campsite reservation system for 2024

    • OREA provided new campsite layout 12/21/23.

    • Trees removed at campsite 11 and 2….THANK YOU!!!

    • Fire pits on sites 1 – 13 relocated.

    • Parking blocks on site……..THANK YOU!!!

      • Parking blocks have now all been put in place by OREA

    • Need to mark out campsites 14 – 21 and install all parking blocks.

      • Campsites 14-21 have been marked out and parking blocks put in place by OREA

    • Mark campsite numbers and arrows on fire pits and parking blocks.

    • Way to identify sites on reservation system?

      • Paint colored ring on fire pit of reservable sites. ORANGEJ

      • Paint parking block on reservable sites to match fire pit.

    • How can DNR mark reserved campsites?

      • Possibly put stake with reserved tag in fire pit of reserved site.

    • The DNR will identify reservable site by painting an orange strip on the fire pits and painting the parking blocks orange. The non-reservable sites will have the fire pits and parking blocks painted white. All fire pits and parking blocks will be stenciled with the campsite #. This will be completed as soon the weather permits.

  • Can DNR track camping numbers so that OREA can track impact of what we are doing?

    • Yes, Todd said he would get the numbers to Steve for the last 2 years.

  • Is DNR able to compare usage of corral sites to non-corral sites and reservation sites to non-reservable sites?

    • This may be a little more difficult, but Todd said he would see what they can do to track this information.

  • Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?

    • New sign for Day Use Area

      • Stephanie is working with the DNR sign department. They are hoping to have this completed soon.

    • Vault toilet

      • The vault toilet is going through a separate approval process. Todd does not think they will have any money to build the vault toilet this year.

    • WIP submitted.

    • Kenny mentioned DNR has a kiosk that could be used for the day use area?

      • The one they thought was available has been spoken for, so they do not have any kiosk available.

    • OREA working on getting third bid.

  • Any update on the solar well approval?

    • DNR will not hear anything about the solar well for at least another month.

  • River crossing repair between marker #1 and #2 (West side)

    • Todd indicated that they do not have the funds to complete this project.

  • Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
    Todd indicated that this repair or replacement will need to go through the proper DNR review and approval process which will take quite a bit of time. They also do not have any funding so this will need to be submitted as a WIP.

  • DNR funds available for trail projects

    • OREA provided Todd with three estimates on March 12th.

    • Any update?

      •  I’m not sure we got a clear answer on this one. Todd is looking into it further.

  • Discuss "official" opening of the New Trail.

  • When will the controlled burn take place?

    • There is still no information or details available on this.

  • Bypass trail.

    • The location of the bypass trail was reviewed with Todd.

New Business

  • Vera Kraft reviewed the first two items.

    • The campsite reservation system is supposed to go live on April 1st.

    • Vera Kraft and Steve Keim will be attending the MHC Membership meeting on April 9th, 2024.

  • Vera Kraft talked about the Saddle Up! Magazine monthly web full page color ad for free and the print /web 600-word free article.

    • Steve mentioned that we have an article that will be in the April issue and we are working on creating a full page color ad about our Poker Ride for the web version.

  • Vera shared that the Southern Michigan Orienteering Club is holding an event at the campground on April 20th, 2024. An email from Todd Farrell was forwarded to all board members.

    • Per Todd email, they are not supposed to park in or use any of the reservable campsites. They can only use the non-reservable sites that are not being used. Todd instructed them to park in the day use are.

    • Ang Sherman has had challenges with members of this group on other trials in the past and suggested providing them with information on how to act around horses.

  • Discussion on Walking Horse Association of Michigan (WHAM) Ride on May 17-19

    • How can OREA welcome them and make sure they have a good time?

      • Dawn Cope and Vera Kraft will host Guided trail rides.

      • OREA will host a community bonfire.

  • Memorial Day Poker Ride planning

    • Create ad for Saddle Up magazine.

    • Board members need to have discussion to work out some details before the April meeting.

    • Motion to raise entry fee from $20 to $25 for anyone 16 and older, $5.00 fee for those 15 and under. $5.00 fee for meal only. Motion by Steve Keim 2nd by Vera Kraft (All in favor)

  • Confidence Course discussion

    • Robin Bobek shared her concerns.

      • It will change the character and integrity of the campground.

      • It will bother the horses/riders camping near the obstacles.

      • She does not feel like it should be in proposed location.

      • She would like to see the "natural obstacles" put on trails in strategic locations.

        • Lise Mouthaan shared similar concerns.

        • Discussed having to board meeting onsite and review the proposed location.

    • Motion to have the board meet on site to discuss the proposed location of the confidence course by Vera Kraft 2nd by Lise Mouthaan. Motion passed: Yes, vote from Vera Kraft, Lise Mouthaan, Steve Keim, Scott Cope, and Robin Bobek. No vote from Dawn Cope.

  • Discussion on possible logo change

    •  Three different sample logos created by Donna Maria Flood were provided.

    • Steve Keim shared how the current logo was busy and difficult to reproduce.

    • Motion to change the logo to the one that is on the coat provided by Donna Marie Flood by Dawn Cope and Vera Kraft 2nd by Scott Cope. Motion failed: Yes, vote from Dawn Cope, Vers Kraft, and Scott Cope. No, vote from Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, and Lise Mouthaan.

    • Motion to table the new logo discussion for a later date by Lise Mouthaan 2nd by Steve Keim. Motion passed: Yes, vote by Steve Keim, Vera Kraft, Robin Bobek, and Lise Mouthaan. No, vote from Scott Cope and Dawn Cope.

  • Round table:

    • Lise Mouthaan thanked the board members for all their work on getting the campground ready for the reservation system.

    • Melissa DeWitt and Ang Sherman thanked the board for providing the google meet to allow them to attend the meeting.

  • Vera Kraft indicated that our next OREA Board meeting is scheduled for April 16th, 2024.

  • Meeting closed at 6:03 pm

OREA  January 16th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

OREA Board Meeting

January 16th, 2024, at 2:00 pm

Cope Residence

Contact Dawn at if you wish to attend

  • Present: President Dawn Cope, Vice President Vera Kraft, Secretary Robin Bobek , Treasurer Steve Keim, Board members Lise Mouthaan and Scott Cope

  • Meeting called to order 1:40.

  • Tamra Hartwig has resigned from the board. A huge thank you for all her years of service to OREA.

  • Review and approval of prior minutes. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.

  • Treasurer’s report presented and reviewed. Balance is $9913.94. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor. This report is on the website for review

Old Business

DNR Projects

Controlled Burn Inside Trail System in March!

DNR updates discussed at meeting: • New gate installation at Tody road completed. • Control burn to be done this year. (Outside trail inward) • Day Use Permit submitted. • Confidence course pending one more approval. • There will be a new sign for day use area: STAGING – DAY USE ONLY. • Also new sign for campground: CAMPING WITH HORSES ONLY. (This sign tentatively will say except July and August). Also, these signs are made through DNR at designated times of year, so do not know when they will go up. • Vault toilet for day use area: we have applied through DNR for matching grant. Secondly, we have applied for a grant through MHC (Michigan Horse Council) for our half of vault toilet. • Trail Projects: Scott working on getting estimates. • Dumpster Corral (Manure bunker): submitted for approval. • Campsite reservations 2024: Todd Farrell (DNR Representative) to submit this week.

Other Old Business

  • Review and vote on proposed bylaw changes reviewed at November board meeting. Steve Keim motioned to accept, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.

  • Discussion of 2024 goals. See website for updates on goals. Discussion of what SMART goals is, example presented.

New Business

  • Install/upgrade bypass trail between marker one and two (this is to avoid low muddy area). There is a bypass trail already there.  We need to also fix section before bridge to existing new trail.  We must use process in place to do this, so we may add bypass to trail map.

  • Website fees:  Wix has raised fees to $312.00 for two years.  Robin Bobek motioned to approve this fee, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.

  • Discussion of DNR Friends Group Partnership Match Program.  Applications due by January 19th.

  • 2024 Sponsor/Donation/Volunteer Guide updated.  Complete updates when 2024 goals are completed (Scott Cope). 

  • Board discussion of diligent tracking of hours of activity, travel for 2024.  Please turn in to Scott Cope monthly.

  • Discussion of committees and appropriate volunteers to staff them.

  • MHC Horse Expo:  Need schedule of booth coverage.  Other suggestions, ideas were raffle drawing hourly (using donated gifts, Dawn to coordinate with Donna Flood for donations), door prize to be raffled for the weekend.   We need to have laptops set up, membership information, merchandise, “What does OREA do” updated and available, cheat sheet for volunteers, easel, donation jar.  MHC provides tables.  Wear OREA merchandise if you have it.

  • Change meeting time to earlier?  Todd considering this.

Round table:

  • All trails meeting in March.  Purpose is discussion/sharing of ideas (“how do you handle/do ___??” ).   Possible discussion also of sharing equipment.

Next Meeting February 20th, 2024, 6:00 pm at DNR office.

Meeting adjourned 4:24 p.m.

President: Dawn Cope

Vice-President: Vera Kraft

Secretary: Robin Bobek

Treasurer: Steve Keim


Board members:

Tamra Hartwig 

Lise Mouthaan

Scott Cope

OREA  December 19th, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

OREA Board Meeting

December 19th, 2023, at 6:00 pm

Hadley Community Church

3638 Hadley Road, Hadley, MI 48440

Present:  Steve Keim, Vera Kraft, Scott Cope, Dawn Cope, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Tamra Hartwig, Karen DeOrnellas, Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf, Stephanie Miller Francis (DNR), Kenny Whitaker (DNR), Diana Wanamaker, Terri Swaim, Carol Lindsey.

  • Meeting called to order 6:01.

  • Review and approval of prior minutes (with misspelling of WIP acknowledged).  Scott motioned to accept the minutes, Robin seconded, all in favor.

  • Review and approval of 2023 Treasurers report presented (this report was sent to board members prior to meeting and reviewed at meeting).   Our balance as of December 19, 2023 was $9611.43.    Scott motioned to accept treasurers report, Dawn seconded, all in favor.

  • Steve presented the following motions for approval by the board:

    • $100.00 alloted for stamps/postage expenses.  Lise motioned for approval, Dawn seconded, all in favor.

    • Motion for cost of MHC expo table March 2024 be approved (cost unknown at this time).  Robin motioned for approval, Scott seconded, all in favor.

Old Business

  • Update on DNR approval of Day Use Area project: (officially changing name to Day Use Area and changing the sign).  Scott is working with Todd on drawings/estimates.  Scott is working on gathering estimates.

  • Update on DNR funds for trails projects. Working with Todd on drawings and estimates. 

  • Update on campsite reservation system for 2024: Orea working on laying out campsites and making them more user friendly.  Due to required space for each site, we will be losing 3 camping sites, and will have a new total of 21 sites.  Goal is to present updated campsite design to Todd by 12/21/23 and have a total of 14 sites on reservation system.

New Business

2023 Elections

  • The Orea Secretary did not receive any additional nominations for Board of Directors from the membership.               The nominees for the Board of Directors are Dawn Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Tamra Hartwig, Scott Cope.

  • Hearing no other nominations from orea members in attendance, Steve motioned to accept above names, Scott seconded, all in favor.

  • Lise Mouthaan motioned to nominate Robin Bobek for secretary, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.

  • Lise Mouthaan motioned to nominate Steve Keim as Treasurer, Vera Kraft seconded, all in favor.

  • Lise Mouthaan motioned to nominate Vera Kraft for Vice President, Steve Keim seconded, all in favor.

  • Lise Mouthaan motioned to nominate Dawn Cope as President, Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor.

  • Michigan Horse Council grant application submitted for Day Use Area pit toilet.

  • Membership renewal letter completed.  Steve Keim has sent letters out to expiring members.

  • 2023 OREA accomplishments presentation during dinner.

  • 2024 goals.  Steve:  Look at goals, let him know if adamant against something.  Then SMART process. (wm: the SMART Process and groupings of Proposed 2024 Goals are below the minutes section.)

  • New business?  None at this time.

  • Next meeting is January 16th, 2024.  Location to be determined  as Todd Farrell (DNR Representative) will not be attending, so we will be unable to meet at DNR office.

  • Meeting adjourned 6:45

  • Rb/rb

What you missed! OREA's Christmas Celebration 

After the blessing from Scott Cope, we settled in to enjoy the Christmas feast! Nobody left hungry.

Towards the end of the munching, Dawn presented the OREA/DNR 2023 Accomplishments. You can view them by selecting them on the menu.

We were fortunate to have Stephanie and Kenny in attendance and gave them appropriate kudos for their contributions to our (DNR OREA in partnership) successes this past year.

Next came a fun rendition of the 12 Wild Mustangs (12 days of Christmas) with equine related substitutions. (6 tubes of wormer and 4 hoof picks carried over to the Huckleberry Railroad rendition of 12 days on Wednesday!)

We then left the right Wrights to the left ... with boxes of Belgian chocolates being passed every time a left or right/Wright was called out. Those left holding the chocolates were rewarded with the chocolates.

Then it was time for the gift selection / theft. Things started out quite polite as the first rounds were just observations of gift opening. That went to the wayside as gift coveting transitioned to sanctioned gift thievery.

We were excited to have some non-Board attendees at the meeting and the post-meeting!!! Hopefully that can become a trend.


Means The Goal Is





Time Bound


  • What do we want to accomplish?

  • Why is this goal important?

  • Who needs to be involved to accomplish this goal?

  • Where does this goal need to be done?

  • Which resources do we need and what are the limitations to what we can accomplish?


  • Do we need to break it down into smaller pieces?

  • How do we track progress?

  • How can we tell when we are done?

  • How much and How many?


  • Can we achieve this goal?

  • How realistic is it for us to do this given factors like DNR regulations, money, etc.?

  • Is this something in our control?

  • Is this something we should do?


  • Is this something worth doing?

  • Is now the time to do this?

  • Do other things need to be done first?

  • Will our audience benefit from us doing this?

  • Is this important enough to focus our limited resources (time & money) on?

Time Bound

  • When are we going to start doing this?

  • When do we need to complete this by?

  • When do we need to have particular steps accomplished by to achieve this?

OREA 2024 Proposed Goals Ranked and Grouped

Out of the 168 proposed goals, all of those assessing them agreed that 64 of them had agreement that we should look into then further. Another 27 had 5 yes votes. Another 40 had 4 yes votes. 11 had three yes votes. The remainder had 2 or fewer yes votes. What we want to do now is consider which of these should be developed further into SMART goals

What the Board needs to accomplish for the December 20 meeting is this: Take a look at each grouping and decide if we should pursue SMARTening those goals. In the December meeting, I will ask for each grouping if there are any within that group that you think should not go through the SMART process for the ones that have All Yes Votes, 5 Yes Votes, or 4 Yes Votes. If anyone indicates any one of those should not go through the process, we will set that one aside and have a discussion about it in the January meeting. You do not have to give a reason in the December meeting. You can either state which one(s) should be excluded, provide a list of the ones to be excluded, or highlight or otherwise not them on a printed or electronic copy and hand them to me or send them electronically ahead of the meeting – or any combination thereof

For the remainder – the proposed goals with 3 or less Yes Votes, determine if you feel any of them should go through the SMARTening process. Those will also go onto the list for further discussion at the January meeting. Once again, no reason is needed to be given in the December meeting.


Activities: Memorial Day Saturday Poker Ride (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Saturday night campfires (with doughies) (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Saturday pot lucks (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Come ride with us! Monthly (or more often) Saturday morning rides led by OREA. (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Query FB members to get more ride leaders to have led group rides more often (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Need to post relative speed expected for each group ride based on leader (6 Yes Votes) Activities: Need to post what happens regarding group ride if it rains (6 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Complete master list for all events. (6 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Participate in Michigan Horse Council Trail Committee meetings (6 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Create and populate Trails and Work Bee Committee! (6 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Develop a plan to increase the number of members and volunteers. (6 Yes Votes) Campground: DNR to install gates at Campground entrance. (6 Yes Votes) Campground: Build Kiosk west of trail entrance (6 Yes Votes) Campground: Determine baseline horse campground numbers (Todd) - need numbers by campsite and day of week and holidays (6 Yes Votes) Campground: More corrals. Some on adjacent sites More pens More pens, and closer together, so people that want to camp next to each other can all have pens. We loved the pens! When we arrived we had to park towards the front because day riders had taken up all the spots by the pavilion It seems the set up and tear down is so easy when we have pens. Sleep better too (6 Yes Votes) Campground: Online Fundraiser to build Corrals for particular sites (6 Yes Votes) Campground: Picket poles left in some of the good shady spots. Some of us still like picket poles with some shade too. I prefer high line to corrals, so hope some of these ‘old style’ sites remain available. (6 Yes Votes) Communications: Create event flyers for Poker Ride (6 Yes Votes) Communications: Get updated information on existing web sites that reference our horse campground including pictures (18 sites) (6 Yes Votes) Communications: Post information about Ortonville equestrian camping to Facebook horse camping groups (10 FB Groups) (6 Yes Votes) Communications: Post trail information and/or rides to Facebook trail sites (17) (6 Yes Votes) Communications: EVERY Time we (OREA or DNR) do something, it hits Facebook AND the Web Site (6 Yes Votes) Communications: Develop a plan to communicate with members using multiple methods. (6 Yes Votes) DNR: Leash law signs. Nice big ones at camp, day use and any entrance to the trails. It's not fun coming up on loose dogs on the trail, or having them blast through your camp. (6 Yes Votes) DNR: Add signage at campground “Paid Campers Only” “Day Use Parking in Day Use area only” (6 Yes Votes) DNR: DNR approval of Staging area/Day use project. (6 Yes Votes) DNR: DNR to update trail maps (6 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Work with the Equine Trails Subcommittee (6 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Have a table at the MHC Horse expo (6 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Attend Work Bees to See What is Going On with Other Trail Groups (6 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Work with MHC and ETS to promote our campground (6 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Work with other organizations including ETS & MHC for ideas for getting more people at work bees (6 Yes Votes) Funding: Fundraisers for Specific Goals, e.g. fundraiser for pair of corrals on site 2 (6 Yes Votes) Funding: DNR matching grant (6 Yes Votes) Funding: Michigan Horse Council Trails Grant Trail Grants ( (6 Yes Votes) Funding: Develop a plan to increase sponsorships and donations. (6 Yes Votes) Government: Stop sign on Hadley Rd (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: Staging Area more User Friendly (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: DNR to install manure 1 pit in the day use area. (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: DNR approval of Staging area/Day use project. (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: Upgrade Staging area: Total trailer parking for 25 + rigs Upgrade Staging area: 275 feet @ 15 foot width for each trailer Upgrade Staging area: Reroute to allow approximately 100-175 foot long pull-throughs Upgrade Staging area: Includes space for tying horses to the trailer and turn radius for pulling in and out Upgrade Staging area: 75 foot tree buffer to the road I don’t use Staging Area because the potholes and uneven soft ground. I’ve been stuck at Hadley more than once If you want people parking in day area. And, not camp side. Need toilet over there. The pot holes fixed. And bigger area to park for those with bigger rigs. (Area made at and agile/pull through type) Day parking fixed with signs on how to park, lots of people swing around and stay parked in the driveway, or stay parallel just off the driveway. Doesn't leave much room if any for others to park. Staging Area More open and level They need to fix the day parking yep. It's (Staging Area) not very welcoming. I think a realistic goal could be improvements to the day use area. Potty, gravel for the road. Wouldn't take much to make it more useable. Drive through/agile parking in middle of Staging Area. bigger space in Staging Area for some of the bigger rigs. (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: Upgrade Staging area: Pit toilet Pit Toilet / Port-a-potty in Staging Area No Pit Toilet in Staging Area that’s the main reason I don’t use the day use the Staging Area. (6 Yes Votes) Staging Area: And a couple picnic tables in Staging Area. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Expansion: The number one consideration for me as a camper is the number of trail miles. I hope we are able to add some of the old trails back to the official system and find a some area on the south side of Fox Lake Rd to add as well. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Expansion: Add more new trails: Create Pine Trail loop (6 Yes Votes) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Pines Overlook trail – expand to 2+ mile loop (6 Yes Votes) Trail Expansion: Add more new trails (Officially) Open trail to pinnacle point (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: Repair muddy section of trail between mark #1 and #2. Waiting on DNR trail funds. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: DNR to repair river crossing between marker #1 and #2. East side completed. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: DNR to install gates at Tody Road. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: DNR funds for trail project. Funds available need quotes from contractors. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: Add posts with arrows at each location where there is a trail not on the mapped trail system to help riders stay on marked trails. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: Reengineer area under the bridge for better stabilization The bridge issue (between 1 & 2) needs to be addressed. Quickly. (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: More work on creek crossing I love the creek crossing that was recently improved by the bridge. I would love to see the opposite side done as well, willing to help Steps on the opposite side of the river crossing... or at least some better footing with gravel or something. Better footing in the creek. And the trees and rose bushes trimmed around that bridge. Could we use the rock piles out there on the trail to fix up the creek. For the dnr gater and better footing for the horses to cross? (6 Yes Votes) Trail Maintenance: Analyze Ortonville Equestrian Trail (2007) engineering study by MC Smith Associates & Architecture Group to help plan trail maintenance opportunities (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Send question out to FB members to understand how to get them to a work bee (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Work bees – come for an hour, come for the day … bring the kids! BYO equipment. (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Find out what equipment members (FB or OREA) have that can help for Work Bees (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Should plan Work Bees at least 2 months out – best if planned for the year ahead of time, but reality is generally not that much notice (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Need to be specific as to what is expected to be accomplished at a Work Bee and what skills are needed and a goal number of bodies (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Do not need to be a member to participate in a Work Bee. (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Membership category for work bee participation? (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: Set up Work Bees as an event on FB (6 Yes Votes) Work Bees: DNR/OREA complete painting on interior of pavilion. (90% complete) (6 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Create Procedures for Treasurer (5 Yes Votes) BoD Administration: Create Procedures for Events (5 Yes Votes) Equine Community Support: Support other Equestrian Association events. (5 Yes Votes) Funding: American Trails Association Trails Capacity Program The Trail Fund Programs - American Trails (4 Yes Votes)


Activities: Doughnut Ride (Coffee & Doughnuts in the pavilion – then guided trail ride) (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Activities: Old Fogies Wednesday Trail Ride (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) BoD Administration: Create master electronic folder of all OREA forms. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) BoD Administration: Create and populate Communications Committee! (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) BoD Administration: Fund Raiser and Activities Committee! (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Campground: DNR to remove stumps in entire campground area. Partially completed. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Campground: DNR to install manure 1 pit in the campground. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Campground: Rate difficulty and length of each trail. Post on trial. Create guide & post in Kiosk. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Campground: Install information about BOG areas in new Kiosk. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Campground: Make it (the campground) more camper friendly. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Communications: OREA President to create two newsletters in spring and fall. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Communications: Create Note that campground is for camping only. (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Communications: Unofficial GPS of each section of trails to highlight where to ride – also rate difficulty for each section and add description and pictures (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Communications: Showcase our DNR Partners (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) DNR: DNR to Enforce Campground for camping only (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Trail Maintenance: Build mounting block and hitching posts and install picnic table by lake on Trial 3A (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Work Bees: Adopt a trail for trail maintenance (from Pinckney) Pinckney Trail Riders Association - About Us (5 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Activities: Sunday morning pancake breakfast (donations welcome) (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Activities: Moonlight Ride (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Campground: People not parking in the camping area and taking your spot you paid for and take 5 spots parked across all the camping areas - Should not be allowed (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Communications: Send OREA Board meeting Agenda prior to meeting via email to members. (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Communications: Send minutes from board meetings via email to members (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Communications: OREA 25 Year Anniversary was on March 11th, 2023: In Celebration we should: Post on webpage and Facebook (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Trail Maintenance: Repair erosion control landscape timbers on main trail leaving campground. Found 7 existing timber with spikes that are in good shape. (5 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote)


BoD Administration: Create 5-Year Strategic Plan. (2023 Draft completed) (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) BoD Administration: Create and populate Strategy Committee! (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Campground: DNR to grade camping area by pavilion for proper drainage. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Campground: Come up with a standard site plan that includes room for a standard driveway width, a layout of the horse area, an area for picnic table and fire ring, a minimum distance from the fire ring to where the rig is parked (and the neighboring rig), and a sufficient buffer between sites. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Campground: Level sites with gravel drives (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Campground: Mark out and install screened asphalt millings to provide level parking area for camping trailers at each campsite where new corrals are installed. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Campground: More sand/gravel base so stalls are not sloppy. I think it’s the kind of gravel clay mix that is the current soil that causes issues with pen footing. Anything with clay in it is going to hold moisture longer. The trick is to get a gravel sand mix, and a draining layer underneath it. Generally, that means shipping something in from the west sandy side of the state. But then, sometimes you get people complaining that it’s too Sandy and concerns of sand colic ….. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Communications: Post trail information to Trail Riding Web Sites (largely an overlap with camping sites) (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Communications: Recruit or train someone to be proficient in WIX so we have quick turnaround on communications (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Equine Community Support: Organize and host virtual or in person meeting with Equestrian Association leadership. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Equine Community Support: Coordinate and set dates for events with Equestrian Association leadership. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Trail Expansion: Add more new trails: West side of Tody Lake Road (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Old road cut - There is an old road cut parallelling one of our current trails that provides a nicer view of the area below (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Trail Maintenance: Clear brush next to ponds to make more attractive (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) Trail Maintenance: Add trail use markers at all trail entrances. (4 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes) BoD Administration: Create Procedures for Membership (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) BoD Administration: Create Procedures for Sponsor/donor (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) BoD Administration: Create Procedures for Merchandise (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Work Bees: Complete work on new trail east of Jasmond Road (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote) Activities: Camp with your Kids (Grandkids?) weekend (includes kid activities – whatever they are!) (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) BoD Administration: Develop an OREA Board succession plan. (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) DNR: DNR finalize approval for Confidence Course and Kids loop. (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Recapture other old trails (reference 2006 map mark-up) Work on re-opening existing trails. Can the old trails be reopened also ?? (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) Trail Expansion: Add more new trails: South side of Fox Lake Road (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) Trail Expansion: Complete confidence course and kids loop. (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) Trail Expansion: Obstacles! (4 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 1 No Vote) Activities: OREA 25 Year Anniversary was on March 11th, 2023: In Celebration we should: Have celebration ceremony at (2024) Poker Ride Community Bonfire event. (4 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Equine Community Support: 5-day, 7-day, and 2-week multi-park camping plans (4 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Campground: DNR campsite reservation system. I think it would be nice for reservations also, but not necessary. Every time I have been there my friend and I have been the only people In camp… (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Campground: Campground Sites / Spacing Make campsites larger where possible. Expand site #2. Consider removing 2 or 3 sites in cul-de-sac area. The back circle needs redone again. Some of the firepits are to close together. To back into one site, your pit will be 5 foot off your trailer. But the guys behind you is 1 foot off your trailer. I think the idea of reducing the number of sites slightly to provide a little more space between rigs is a good one. Camp sites need to be a little bigger. Fire pits are way to close together. We don't need to be Burning the neighbors down, or smoking out the inside of the camper/trailer. we figured out when we camped last time that 20 camping rigs is what can comfortably fit into that campground. Not the 24 that is set up for right now. (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Communications: Meeting agendas & minutes on FB & Web Site (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Communications: Put our plans out there – tie them back to suggestions from FB etc. Even if they were already in the plans before, thank specific individuals for their ideas so they feel some ownership! (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Communications: OREA 25 Year Anniversary was on March 11th, 2023: In Celebration we should: Create (commemorative) banner for events (e.g. for use at Expo, Poker Ride) (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Funding: Cheesecake fundraiser - or other type (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Staging Area: Upgrade Staging area: Separate non-trailer parking accommodate at least 20 vehicles (target vehicle size – all spaces can accommodate a dually crew cab (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Staging Area: Upgrade Staging area: Kiosk (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Shortcut trail bypassing wet area (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Trail Maintenance: Mark the entrances to the trail system from the road (and add to trail system) (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes) Work Bees: Budget for food at Work Bees (4 Yes Votes, 2 No Votes)


Campground: I know hand pump water wells are pretty standard at state parks, but running water or at least an easier to pump well would be really nice. Ionia has a really nice hand pump. It's much smaller and very easy to pump. Loved it! (3 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes) Campground: Solar powered water pump (3 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes) Staging Area: Upgrade Staging area: Trail near the power lines hooking up to the trail system at the intersection by the pond (3 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes) Funding: Merchandise sales via web where we don’t carry inventory (3 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes, 1 No Vote) Activities: Organize Women’s weekend. (3 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 2 No Votes) Activities: Ladies Night Out (camping) (3 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 2 No Votes) Activities: Movie Night at the Pavilion (3 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 2 No Votes) Activities: Taco Night at the Pavilion (3 Yes Votes, 1 Future Vote, 2 No Votes) Communications: Create OREA Membership Welcome Packet (3 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote) Communications: Post OREA meeting minutes in Saddle Up magazine. (3 Yes Votes, 3 No Votes) Equine Community Support: Help organize meetings with other trail groups (3 Yes Votes, 3 No Votes) Campground: Campground bathhouse (2 Yes Votes, 4 Future Votes) Campground: Electric at campsites and well (2 Yes Votes, 4 Future Votes) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Perimeter trail - 3-mile + Algoe Lake Trail (2 Yes Votes, 4 Future Votes) Trail Expansion: And, can a few more be added across Tody Rd as well ?? (2 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes, 1 No Vote) Trail Expansion: Identify New Trail Opportunities: Trails to roads integrated into the system for local usage (Timber Ridge example) (2 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes, 1 No Vote) Trail Maintenance: Reengineer existing trails: Bog either side of first bridge (2 Yes Votes, 3 Future Votes, 1 No Vote) Equine Community Support: 5-day, 7-day, and 2-week multi-park camping plans (2 Yes Votes, 2 Future Votes, 1 No Vote)

We will begin the SMARTening process for a couple of the proposed goals we have given the OK to before the January meeting. We likely won’t get through them all by then! If you want to be part of the SMART group, there will be a chance to volunteer as part of the January meeting. Some goals may be eliminated or combined as part of the SMART assessment – especially any that we deem as not achievable. Other goals will be given a reduced scope as part of the process – for example for 2024 we may determine that we would like to start by just doing research on that particular thing. Others may be tabled because of DNR limitations.


Even if something goes through the goal process, that does NOT ensure that we will be able to achieve it or even work on it in 2024. Also, just because some idea did not make the cut for the initial SMARTifying does not eliminate it completely from being something we decide to pursue in 2024. The Goal process lets us assess and prioritize so we can make more effective decisions.

OREA November 21, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Present:  Todd Farrell: DNR Representative, Dawn and Scott Cope, Steve and Vera Keim, Lise Mouthaan, Robin Bobek

Meeting called to order 5:56 p.m.

Approval of October 17th minutes. Motion to approve by Scott, Steve seconded.  All in favor, minutes approved.

Treasurers' Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Steve Keim.   Balance is $9535.90. We have 46 memberships, 57 total members.  Steve to get with Val Pfeiffer re:  Hadley site.  Steve is setting up fb fundraiser “Giving Tuesday”.  Thank you, Steve.  Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Robin, Scott seconded, all in favor, Treasurer’s report approved.

Old Business

DNR projects

Click Read more to learn about status of campground reservation system plans.

Update on new gate installation at Tody Rd. and campground entrance. Installation pending. Update on Confidence/Obstacle Course: Per Todd, still pending, one approval needed. Update on approval of staging area/day use area: to resubmit plan for larger day use area. (Picture of Pinckney day use/staging area shown). Request made to change sign to Day Use Area. Todd to add to DNR sign order, thanks Todd. Update on DNR funds available for trail projects (obtained). Scott is getting three estimates, and then will submit to DNR to decide who does it. Update on campsite reservation for 2024. Price will be approximately $27.00-30.00 for reservation. 12 sites will be reservable. The sites with corrals and sites in turnaround will be included in reservations. DNR will store corral gates for winter.

December annual meeting and Christmas party.  To be held at Hadley church, 3638 Hadley Rd, Hadley, MI  48440.  To be put on fb as event.  Meeting/election will be at 6:00, Potluck at 7:00.

New Business

Save the Date

Poker Ride / Campout

May 25-26

Email sent to Orea members for nominations to board. No responses at this time. 2024 elections: Steve Keim nominated the existing board members continue on board for 2024. Scott Cope seconded. Robin to check with Tamra to see if she will continue as board member for 2024. Election to be held at December meeting. Friends group match application due by January 19, 2024. Todd to apply for WIP for toilet for day use area. Steve presented report on findings, information obtained from Big Fork ride. Also reported on OREA (Dawn, Scott, Steve, Vera) helping at Ionia and Pinckney work bees. Helpful information obtained, also pictures re: manure pit, staging area. Discussion of trail construction technique observed. Discussion on Hadley/Metamora dump station use by equestrians camping at horse camp. Also obstacle courses looked at. Pinckney: getting rid of organic matter on trails. Stall ideas: put rock base. Ionia leaves picket posts along with stalls in their campground. Pinckney fundraisers (cheesecake, flowers), basically done online. Pinckney has 140 members. Consider adopt a trail volunteer program. 2023 Annual report (Dawn, Scott, Steve) working on this. 2024 Events: Poker ride/campout, May 25, 26th. The board decided not to have Judged trail ride in 2024. Do alternate event. Discuss proposed bylaw changes. Volunteer work instead of membership fee. Note other changes in by laws. To be voted on at January meeting. Establish committees as noted by bylaws. Further discussion at January meeting.

Round table discussion:  no items noted.

Next meeting December 19th 2023.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 p.m.  Rb/rb

We're also analyzing 145 proposed goals over the next month that came from our discussions and your Facebook feedback!

From these we will build OREA's 2024 Goals.

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